Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Marbles, houses and visitors

I've been thinking a lot about the elderly that I work with and how much it sucks getting old. lol. A lot of them move real well and still have most of their marbles, but then some of them have lost some pretty important ones but can still get by. One resident who has lost his marbles to the looney bin needed help back into bed the other night. I was doing my nightly rounds to make sure all my kiddo's were tucked in and didn't need help and I saw that his light was on and I heard his voice. I walked in and he was out of bed wandering around, getting new socks on and putting his pants on the movie rack he has in his room. I said to him in a rather loud voice "George, go back to bed!" He proceeded to turn around and look at me and say "Well, hello there. have you come to give me the ice cream I asked for?" "No George, I'm here to help you into bed ( as I was redirecting him to his bed). Put your head on the pillow and get into bed George!" Now, looking back, he did just as he was asked to do . . . but I think a person who has most of their important marbles left would have just gotten into bed. Nope, George bent over and put his head on his pillow, then turned it and asked me "Now what?" lol. I laughed pretty hard and he said "ya know, it's not that funny!" I really wanted to say that yes, it really was, but he was right, it wasn't funny. I told him to get up and I finally got him into bed properly, but it's nights like that, that remind me of the lighter side of the job. The hard part is saying good bye to those residents that you get close to, and the easier part of getting to spend the last good days with them as well.
I have another resident, who when her time comes, I am going to be devastated. She has Parkinson's disease. Luckily, she still has pretty good mobility and power over her body but she has her days. She just got a brand new lap top and is learning how to use it! I go into her room nightly around 10 pm(she is a night owl) and I give her a little lesson on her computer. lol. She is 80 and learning how to use her laptop. I just think it's amazing. Using my computer is just second nature to me and to have to explain it to someone makes me stop and think about all of these things I do and how I take them for granted. She is a pretty amazing lady!

Brad and I are in the process of buying a house, or we thought we were till our agent urged us to just walk away from this one. We fell in love with it, had an inspector come out and he said there was lots of structural damage and the roof needed to be replaced. After we heard that, we thought we didn't have it. THEN, the sellers came back and said that they'd get every thing fixed if we still were interested. So we were back on it . . . till yesterday when we got the news. They had a roofer come out and say it didn't need to be replaced, but just patched up in some spots and insurance would only cover 1,500 of it. Okay, do-able. Then, the sellers weren't hiring professionals to replace the concrete on the side of the house and fix the structural damage, nope. They were going to drive over from Missoula, MT and fix it themselves, the husband and his buddy who works in construction. Our agent said that if we still wanted to pursue this house, then more power to us, but then she wouldn't sell it to us. She has a conscious and couldn't do it to us knowing that there would probably be issues 6 months down the line. So the search continues!

In the mean time, my mom made it out to Billings late this afternoon and I got to spend some great time with her. I have the next week and half with her, but it's going to go by in a blink of an eye. Tomorrow we have some errands to run and then she has to make a quilt for her class she is taking on Thursday! Dakota really fell in love with her, which makes me feel good.
Brad had to work over night in Williston, ND and will be back late tomorrow night so he won't get to spend time with my mom till Thursday night when I have to go back to work.

I'm sure I'll have more to post and pictures to go along with it once mom and I have some more time together! :-)
I'm so happy she is here!

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