Saturday, July 23, 2011

Our New Place!!

Today was the day I have been looking forward to for a few weeks now. I got to move into our new place downtown!! :-) The catch to this was that it was the first time I had actually viewed the unit. I was shown a similar unit that wasn't occupied and I liked it, so Brad and I went out on a limb and took the place without actually seeing it.
Debbie, her cousin Michelle and my friend Roxanne helped me move today. Debbie has a big Explorer, so we loaded that up with boxes and made 3 trips. In Roxie's car, we put my wedding dress and the more fragile things. It was tricky getting things out of the elevator and around a small corner, but we did it. The real trick will be getting our dresser, couch and bed into the unit. The dresser ( which is very heavy ) gets to go up a small stairway, so that will be fun for the guys! ;-)

After everyone left and my favorite asian restaurant fixed me dinner, I went back to our new place to spend some time in it alone. I wanted to start unloading my kitchen and getting things sort of put together. It was like christmas the way I was opening boxes and a smile would go across my face. It was pretty sweet.

Okay, so here are some of the pictures of our new place. I'm exhausted, but I wanted to share!! :-)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

things are coming together

Things are starting to look up after what I thought was weeks of one bad thing after another.

I had quite the issue with choosing between two condo's. I had called Connie, Cenzie's ( my current room mate ) mom to give her my 30 days notice and to get her address to put on this other rental application. She had asked why I was doing this and I told her that Brad and I needed a place to live when he got home. She also asked how much this other place is charging. I was honest and told her everything, and then out of the blue she offered Brad and I this place, for 900 a month! The agreement was that Cenzie would be out by August 1st and the locks would be changed. I was all excited about that deal because we would be renting a 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, 2 car garage, lawn maintenance and snow removal for 900 bucks! It was going to be a sweet deal. But ya know, life is never perfect. Connie had told Cenzie about it and she had some choice words for me after she found out. Lots of drama there . . long story short, Connie went back on her word and told us ( when we were ready to sign an agreement to rent from them ) that Cenzie had found other renters that would rent it and then let her live there as well. So they are going to rent from the people Cenzie found, instead of us. I am still less than pleased with how all of this turned out, however, it happened for a reason.
So in under a week now I will be moving out of one condo into another one. DOWNTOWN! It's a pretty cool place. We have a great view of Billings, AC on both floors, two bedrooms, a dishwasher and washer and dryer. I am so ready to have my own kitchen back. To use all of my kitchen stuff, not just 1/4 of it. I am eager to make dinner for myself. I am excited to not have to pick up my room so the house can be shown . . . Cenzie's condo is for sale, so occasionally we would have to clean up the house so that people would walk through and look at it.

needless to say, I'm pretty excited.

Along with this room mate and lady drama, there has been other drama related to the Army that I am less than thrilled about. It's my belief that some of the wives, or girlfriends for that matter, don't really like me, so they decided to spread some rumors about me. I was pretty upset when all of this went down, but I've done some self reflecting. I think they must be either unhappy with themselves to 'bully' me and start saying nasty things or they are just really jealous of my oh so wonderful life! I'm betting its the first of the two. So as of right now, I am greatly disliked by majority of the army wives here in Billings because they choose to believe other silly wives, regardless if they know me and know I wouldn't ever do anything like that.

On a happier note, someone else came back into my life that I am very happy about. I got a call from Ashley, my former pregnant friend, the other day. She had stopped in front of Debbie's house and they got to talking. Debbie filled Ashley in about all of this drama and so she called me to see if I was doing alright. This is a HUGE step for us. I was not so nice to Ashley a few months ago when I was very heavily influenced by Cenzie and her evil ways. I know I can't blame all of my actions on Cenzie because I can make my own choices, but she was a bad influence on me. So I did some more self reflecting and had written Ashley an apology letter saying how sorry I was and no one deserves to be talked to like that. The ball was in Ashleys court and she finally came around. This happy development happened about a week ago, and since we've had lunch and hung out with each other. It's nice to hang out with her again. I was feeling a little lonely only with having Debbie as my only real close friend here in Billings.

So life was pretty crappy for a week or so, then things are starting to look up. I am getting out of my oh so great living situation in less than a week, I am working on a friendship again, and . . . MY HUSBAND COMES HOME IN 50 DAYS!! heck yes!

This week Kaity and Kelsey Brough come through town and are staying with me on their way to Canada. Also this week, I am house sitting for the family I nanny for, as they are gone to Seattle for some medical appointments. The next week, I have the kids most of the week, but then I house sit for pretty much the rest of the summer.
In about 2 weeks my very best friend Nicole comes out to visit me for a week! I'm VERY excited about that. Then I leave for San Antonia for a weekend of YellowRibbon information. This one will be about how to help the guys when they come home. I'm sure that one will be drama filled as well. Oh yay. But then after that, only a few weeks later and Brad will be leaving Afghanistan and making his way back home. So early september are the magic days when my life will return to normal. I'll have my husband back. :-) THAT is something to be happy about!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July & my folks

My folks are venturing out of Seattle for 3 weeks and driving across the country. Their first stop was in Phillips-burg Montana to mine for sapphires, I guess that's what they liked to do. They arrived here in Billings on Sunday evening and we hung out. It was so very nice to see my parents. We had a great 4th of July with Debbie and her parents and then watched fireworks up by the airport. The day after, we drove up to Red Lodge, ate lunch and then drove up the mountain pass for some pretty picture opportunities. They will be staying through Thursday morning, which I am super excited about. I have to work tmrw, but I'm pretty sure it will be an easy day, so I can spend some time with the kids AND my folks.
Here are some pictures from the weekend! :-) It's been so very nice to see my parents!