Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 days of Thankfulness

There is a 'trend' on Facebook every November that every day you post one thing you are thankful for. I think it's a great idea, but I'm not going to do it on Facebook. Instead, I think I will do 25 (since today is the 5th) short posts or one post a week with 7 things I am thankful for.

As I was sitting in the kitchen this morning, drinking my hot cup of coffee and feeding owen, I thought to myself I am pretty fortunate. We own a house, have a sweet little boy and a dog that adores him. It snowed last night, about an inch and a half which makes me thankful that we have a house that stays warm on cold days like today.
I am thankful that we live in Montana, especially in Laurel. Don't get me wrong, it would be great to live closer to family, but this way Brad and I can do our own thing and make our own traditions. We can learn how to be Brad and Megan and Owen without trying to share that time with family.
I am especially thankful for the relationship that Owen and Dakota have with each other. I know that I recently posted how excited I was about this, but it's pretty amazing. Again this morning as I was changing Owen, Dakota came into his room, hopped up and put her two front paws on the rim of Owen's changing table, sniffed around and then gave him the sweetest little 'kisses' on his cheek. She then proceeded to hop down, and just walk off, like her job here was done! We could very well have a dog that shows no interest in him or a dog that see's Owen as a threat, but we don't. Instead, we have a dog who lets him pull and pinch and slobber all over her and I'm sure she just loves it!! That's pretty special.
Another reason why I am thankful we live in Montana is that all of the seasons show their pretty faces instead of just 300 days of rain. As I said, it snowed last night so as I am writing this post the sun is shining, there is blue sky and the snow on the ground is still pure white and melting. As the snow is blowing off of the tree limbs and roof tops, it sparkles till it meets the pavement to make it look like powdered sugar on the streets. Most of the leaves have turned and the colors are stunning. We had probably two weeks of fall where the weather was in the mid 60's with a light wind and now winter has arrived!!
Now on to my 5th reason I am thankful for today - my relationship with my brother! We had a nice chat last night via face time and it's great to catch up with him that way. He was able to watch Owen play in his bouncer while we talked about what was going on in our lives. Technology is pretty amazing like that and I don't use it to my advantage as often as I probably should. About 2 years ago, Alan was unemployed and at a pretty dark place in his life. Then he found a program that would get him up to date on his cooking skills and then help him get a job! He has been working at the hospital in Ballard Washington for a year and a half-ish now and his attitude has flipped around. It's so great to see him happy now and I am thankful for all that has gone right in his life!

Now . . . for all of you that read this . . . all 5 or 6 of you . . . I urge you to think about what you are thankful for in your life. Not just the obvious things, but the smaller things. Perhaps it was a conversation you had with a friend that made you realize something, maybe it was a random act of kindness you experienced. Just think about it. I've already thought of many other things I'm thankful for! You'll just have to wait till next Tuesday to find out what they are!

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