Saturday, August 17, 2013

4 months old!

Little Man – Owen is 4 months old today! This last month has been quite a busy month. He started to grab things with intention (including my hair), stands with assistance in his bouncer, he LOVES to lay on his side and so close to rolling over I can taste it. ☺ He is also very interested in his hands, which probably help his sore gums since he is cutting teeth! We have had lots of smiles this month along with a very special treat for mom! He giggled!!! I’ve been eagerly waiting this special moment and it happened just the other day when Brad was playing with Dakota. I’m not going to hide the fact that I teared up a little. It was so sweet to hear his little giggle and see the awesome beginning of a sense of humor. We have his 4 month doctors appointment at the end of the month where we will find out how much he weighs, how long he is and when we can start with some rice cereal or other ‘solid’ foods. I am hoping he weighs around 13lbs and will be average in length. He is kind of a short kid, which is surprising since both Brad and I are on the taller side. I suppose he is only 4 months old and has quite a bit of growing to do.

Mommy –I got a job!!! Our pastor somehow got into contact with this optometrist who has her practice inside Costco and discovered she needed part time help. I went in one afternoon, with Owen, and watched what happened, what I would be doing and then I had a quick interview. Then about a week later I was called by the office manager and asked to start the next day!!!! Yikes! It’s a great little office to work in. I am basically just a receptionist, but some day soon I will be confident enough to do the pre-testing, which includes glaucoma testing! Fun! This is just a part time job but I am perfectly fine with that because the 5-6 hours I’m away from Owen is hard enough. I can’t imagine being away from him for longer and more frequently. Brad had taken to his daddy duties very well. I’ve been able to pump enough for him to feed Owen through the day and he is getting a good routine down. ☺
Big news for Brad this month! He is officially done with school – atleast for now! At the end of September he should get his diploma in the mail! How exciting. I am so proud of him. He took a very full load of classes, over summer semester and ALL of them were online! He had his fair share of distractions and missed a few small assignments, but over all his GPA is just a few points shy of a 4.0!! He did so good that he will probably make it onto the Deans List! Here is to hoping that Owen get’s his fathers smarts!
We also learned this month that Uncle Tim (Brads middle brother) was hired on at Alaska Airlines! Congrats Tim! We are so proud of you!!
I am continuing leading the FRG for brads unit and it’s been fun to start from scratch. It’s currently myself and another female solider who is my liaison, but we have fun brainstorming once a month on different ways to raise money for the 411th HHD. Those of you who are on Facebook, and I know many of you are, please do me a favor and ‘like’ the 411th FRG. When I make it up to 30 ‘likes’ I am able to do more with the page and that means I can get more information out to the public about what’s going on with the unit. Next month they are standing up as a unit and becoming public, if you will. It is going to be a big deal, as there will be VIP’s there like the mayor of Billings and maybe even the Governor. Some high-ranking men will be there as well. I introduced myself to the Lieutenant Coronel, a full bird and a major. They were all very eager to see what I do with the FRG. Fingers crossed I don’t disappoint them.

These next few months should be pretty busy for us! Owen’s Godparents are expecting their little girl any day now! We are beyond excited to meet baby girl Diaz and I am sure she will make a debut on the blog next month! We also have the activation ceremony for brad’s unit in the middle of September along with traveling back to Seattle in October to celebrate Lucas’ first birthday. Before we know it, it’ll be Halloween and then Thanksgiving! Where does time go? Wherever it goes, it goes pretty quick!!

***Next blog I hope to post more pictures. I have taken TONS on my phone and with the actual camera, but I need to better organize my shutterfly folders so I know what month to post! In the mean time, enjoy the few pictures I know are from this past month! ☺

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this last photo ! ! He is focusing so intently on the little monkey :-) I can't wait to see him again . . . and cuddle and hold and play with him! ! ! I need an Owen fix!!! Oh, by the way, I think Owen's mom is pretty darn smart herself. Just sayin'
    I love you all! ! !
    (aka Granny Smith)
