How far along are you – 31 weeks
Total weight gain – Depends on what scale I’m on. According to our scale at home I’ve gained about 15 pounds. The doctor’s office says that I’ve gained 23.
Maternity Clothes – All the time.
Stretch Marks –Nothing.
Sleep – I have my good nights and bad nights. I like sleeping on my right side, but it tends to get sore and then I have to readjust in the middle of the night.
Best moment this week – Yesterday when Brad and I were running errands in town. Our little man was on the move yesterday and Brad got to watch my belly move.
Miss anything – Sleeping on my belly, a good solid night’s sleep, easily bending over to put on sock and shoes and clothes that fit.
Movement – He really likes my right side.
Food Cravings – Ice Cream!! I can’t get enough of it. Lately it’s been mint chocolate chip and peanut butter cup.
Anything make you queasy or sick – Nothing.
Gender – It’s a boy! However, I had a dream that on my baby shower invite that it said to be sure to give gift receipts because we still weren’t certain it was a boy! LOL.
Labor signs – Braxton Hicks contractions are my new best friend. I’ve also had some tight feeling in my lower abdomen and some cramping as well.
Symptoms – I’ve had a head cold these past few days, which hasn’t made my already stuffy nose very wonderful, but I’m getting over it. My skin isn’t nearly as dry which is a plus and I’m still not swollen.
Belly Button in or out – After weeks of it almost coming out, my belly button has made its way out! LOL. I know all of you who read this would be relieved it’s finally come out! ;-)
Wedding ring on or off – On
Happy or moody – I think I was pretty happy.
Looking forward to – My cardiology appointment.
This week was pretty good. We had my 30-week appointment on Wednesday and Brad and I got to hear out little guy’s heartbeat again. It’s a strong 160 beats per minute. I shared that with my mother and she made the comment that he is going against all of the wives tales. Typically a heart beat that high indicates a girl. Maybe my strange dream of our little ‘guy’ coming out a girl will be true! Wouldn’t that be something!
I have my own cardiology appointment on the 12th to look at my heart and make sure all is well. At my last appointment the cardiologist listened to me and didn’t hear anything wrong or abnormal, but this time I’ll have an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) done to be sure I am 100%. While Brad and I were in Seattle I had kind of a scary episode of my heart racing. We were standing up singing at church and all of a sudden my heart was racing like I had just ran 3 miles. I sat down and told Brad what was going on and he reassured me that everything would be fine and told me to take a few deep breaths. This little episode passed after a few minutes but it was scary. I brought it up with my doctor and she said it wasn’t anything abnormal. She thinks that for some strange reason, my heart needed to get more oxygen to my body. I guess it’s not completely abnormal, but she said if I have more episodes to let her know.
Hi Meggy Mom!
ReplyDeleteI'm sooo glad your belly button finally popped!! Whew! You look beautiful as usual (nice top :-) and happy . . . I will make my plane reservations soon! I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with you before your little guy arrives . . . Time to baby MY baby! Lol
I love you !