How far along are you – 30 weeks
Total weight gain – 13-14 lbs
Maternity Clothes – all the time. In fact, I need to invest in a few more maternity tops. My cotton non-pregnancy tops are getting too tight and not fitting the right way.
Stretch Marks – I am still stretch mark free!!!
Sleep – This last week was different because we weren’t home and I didn’t have the luxury of my own body pillow or bed. I always get great sleep at my in-laws house however. Our little man likes to wedge himself on the right side of my rib cage at night, which has been making it harder to get comfortable.
Best moment this week – The baby shower that my mom had at her house was wonderful. While we were home, my brother and good friend Kelsey got to feel our little man move. It was so cool to see their reaction to my belly movement.
Miss anything – Lots. Bending over easily to put socks and shoes on, easily getting up off of any couch, seafood and a solid night’s sleep.
Movement – Tons of movement. I have been feeling movement on both sides of my tummy at the same time, which leads me to believe that he is lying across, instead of up and down.
Food Cravings – I am craving sweets more these days. I can’t seem to eat enough ice cream . . . .
Gender – Boy Boy Boy
Labor signs – I am getting used to the Braxton hicks contractions, but they are still there and annoying.
Symptoms – swollen feet, achy back and loss of any energy that I had a few weeks ago.
Belly Button in or out – both. It’s half in and half out. Maybe it’ll just stay in for the rest of the pregnancy!
Wedding ring on or off – On!
Happy or moody – Happy this week. There wasn’t much to be moody about this past week. We were back home spending wonderful time with family.
Looking forward to – These next few weeks. I have my 30-week appointment on the 6th and my cardiology appointment on the 12th, just a few days later.
This last week that we were in Seattle was a wonderful opportunity to spend time with family and friends. My grandmother was staying with my parents while Brad and I were there, so it was wonderful to see her and spend time with her. Brad got to spend some much needed guy time with his very good friend Mitch for two out of the three nights we were at my parents house. My “little sister” Kelsey and I went shopping on Thursday and had a great time having girl time. It was fantastic to catch up on what is going on in her life and be the old Megan and Kelsey again.
My brother was able to join us for dinner on Wednesday night and it was AWESOME to see him for a few hours. This was the first time he has seen me since I’ve gained this amazing pregnant belly, so his first reaction to me with a belly was priceless. He had the chance to feel our little guy move which was pretty cool to see his ear-to-ear smile.
The shower was on Saturday afternoon and it was nice to catch up with all of the ladies who came to shower baby Ireland and I with gifts. I am amazed at the generosity of people and how they blessed us with wonderful gifts. We received two baby monitors, two diaper bags, lots of blankets (one being hand made by my mother) tons of clothes and other baby necessities. My 2nd mother, Judy Brough, got me started on my adventure of making my own baby food by purchasing a food processer, ice cube trays and two recipe books for me. I realize that we still have some time before he is eating some solid food, but it never hurts to be ready. Judy also gave us a hand me down swing and a jogging stroller. We weren’t able to come back to Billings with them, but they will make it to us one way or another. Thank you Judy! My mom also gave us an old sweater that my late grandmother had made for my brother when he was an infant. ☺
After the shower, I drove down to Yelm with Brad’s family to spend the last few days with them. Brad was already down there, as his dad had picked him up earlier on Saturday so he wouldn’t have to be put through the torture of a baby shower. We had a nice dinner and were able to really go through our gifts and see what we were given. Brad was amazed by all of the stuff we got and how generous people are. Sunday we went to church with his family and it was great to see familiar faces. The pastor of this church was the man who married Brad and I and is also one of Brad’s father’s very good friends. I guess the Ireland family and the Blake family are in a race to see how many grandchildren they can rack up! Pastor Russ made an announcement at church to make sure everyone knew Brad and I were home and this makes grandbaby number 5 for the Irelands and the Blake’s only have 4, so his kiddo’s needed to hurry up on the next one! Healthy Competition right?
We left early on Monday morning to have a quick breakfast with Brad’s oldest brother and his family before we left for our flight home back to Bozeman. I had a feeling this trip would come and go with a blink of an eye, but it truly did. Arriving early Wednesday morning and leaving Monday was faster than we both wanted and left us feeling more homesick than before. It’s nice to have family around to spoil you and support you in the choices you make. It’s also very nice to come back to the house we have made a home and sleep in our own bed with our puppy dog.
All in all it was a fantastic trip and we made some pretty great memories. There are so many more to come once our little man is here!
Hello my darling girl!
ReplyDeleteI had a great time throwing you a shower! I think it was a success :-) More time with you would have been great, but I know it was good for you and Brad to get back home to Dakota. Besides, you and I will have some quality time together the end of April into May!
I love you!
Mom <3