How far along are you – 29 weeks
Total weight gain – 13 pounds
Maternity Clothes – all the time
Stretch Marks – Nothing ☺
Sleep – it comes and goes but my body pillow is a life saver
Best moment this week – There have been quite a few actually. I got to watch Brad’s reaction to feeling our little man move. We were on the plane, landing in Seattle and little man was moving all around. Brad has felt him move before, but he was being super active on the way down to land. It’s also been pretty amazing showing off my belly to my friends. My good friend Kelsey has been able to feel him kick and her reaction was priceless. A funny moment was when I asked my brother “ Can you feel hard my uterus is?” and his reaction to it. He had his hand on my belly waiting for him to move and I had a contraction instead. It was pretty funny at the moment and we will laugh about it for a long time to come.
Miss anything – the ability to put shoes on with ease, fresh fish, many cups of coffee and a good solid nights sleep.
Movement – TONS. He flips around and kicks, but seems to favor my right side.
Food Cravings – I’m back to my regular diet.
Anything make you queasy or sick – I’ve been very lucky with not being sick.
Gender – Boy all the way.
Labor signs – Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms – swollen feet,
Belly Button in or out – It’s almost out, but holding strong.
Wedding ring on or off – On.
Happy or moody – Moody. I was stressed out about packing and getting ready for our Seattle trip.
Looking forward to – My Seattle baby shower!! I am so lucky to have a mother who is willing to throw a shower for me. ☺ It will be wonderful to see friends and family and celebrate our new addition.
Brad and I have had quite the adventure already on our trip to Seattle. We weren’t able to fly stand-by out of Billings because of an over sold flight, so instead we drove to Bozeman, MT to fly to Seattle. The flight was scheduled to leave at 6:15 am on Wednesday morning and arrive in Seattle around 7:30. It’s a two-hour drive to Bozeman from Billings and you are supposed to arrive two hours early, correct? So that would put us in Bozeman at 4:15. Instead of leaving billings at 2am and hoping we get to the airport on time, we just decided to leave right from billings as soon as I got off work at midnight to drive the two hours and just be early. We got on our Bozeman flight just fine with 24 open seats and attempted to sleep for the quick flight to Seattle and arrived around 7am. Brad and I visited with my grandma and mom for about an hour and then took a 3-hour nap to attempt to get on with our day. Since we rested, our visit has been wonderful. Brad got to hang out with his buddy Mitchell last night and I went to bed early.
This morning we went down to my neighbor Judy’s house and spent the morning visiting with her. When I went out and about with my good friend Kelsey, Brad ran errands with my mother and grandmother. I found a dress to wear for my shower, which is exciting. ☺ Kelsey also volunteered to do our whiteboard this week and we took some pictures. It’s so wonderful to be home with family! The next few days will be a whirlwind of visiting people, pictures and hanging out.
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