How far along are you – 32 weeks – officially 8 months pregnant
Total weight gain – 17 pounds. They seem to be packing on these days.
Maternity Clothes – I wear my jeans and yoga pants all the time, but today I could get away with a regular undershirt and t-shirt.
Stretch Marks – Sad news. I found some around my belly button. It was quite disappointing when I discovered them.
Sleep – It comes and goes. I have slept pretty well a few nights in a row and then I seem to toss and turn.
Best moment this week – Brad and our little guy got to bond the other day. ☺ We were enjoying a nice afternoon on our deck playing with Dakota and little baby Ireland starting kicking and playing around, brad quickly put his hand on him and poked him back. This went on for a quite a few minutes as they kicked and poked one another. Lol. ☺
Miss anything – quite a few things. My boots have become close to impossible to put on easily, non maternity clothes are not fitting anymore and my feet are constantly swollen.
Movement – TONS!! Little baby Ireland really likes my right side. If he kicks, it’s on my right side. If his foot gets lodged in my ribs, it’s on my right side. He also sits on my sciatic nerve that goes down my right side. Brad has really enjoyed the past few weeks that he has been able to see and feel him move, which makes me happy that he can start bonding with him.
Food Cravings – I can’t seem to get enough of the sweets. Ice cream, jello, sour patch kids.
Gender – Boy
Labor signs – Braxton Hicks
Symptoms – All of the above. Braxton hicks, swollen feet, lots of movement and mood swings.
Belly Button in or out –Out.
Wedding ring on or off – A few nights ago I had to take off my wedding rings and my grandmothers ring because my hands have become swollen. Since then, I’ve put my wedding rings back on, but my grandmother’s ring hasn’t wanted to return. ☹ For the rest of the pregnancy, it might have to go on a necklace.
Happy or moody – Neither. I have been incredibly nervous, anxious and overwhelmed. If I had to choose, I guess I would be more on the happy side, but I was very moody last night. I suppose it comes and goes.
Looking forward to – Our 3 year wedding anniversary and our 33 week appointment.
Next Wednesday Brad and I will be married for a whole 3 years! Time flies when you are having fun. We’ve been legally married for 3 years, but this is our 2nd wedding anniversary we will get to spend together. Our first one we spent thousands of miles away from each other since Brad was in Afghanistan. Last year we celebrated on a train on our way home from spring training in Arizona. That was a great, but unexpected way to spend our anniversary. This year, we aren’t sure what we are going to do. The stars have aligned and we actually have the same days off this coming week!! I am so excited to spend two solid days with Brad. That hasn’t happened in a very long time. The morning of the 20th we have our 33 week appointment and then who knows what we will do with the rest of the day. Maybe a nice dinner, maybe we will treat ourselves and go to Chico hot springs. We want to try and do something special since it will be the last one we get to ourselves for a long long time.
On a less exciting note, I had my cardiology appointment. It was uneventful and I am cleared to give birth and not have any issues. I was sure to tell both my OB and the cardiologist about my racing heart I had a few weeks ago, and neither seemed to be very concerned.
A few weeks ago Brad and I bought our travel system, which started to make things “real”. It sat in our living room for a day or two and it just seemed odd to have a stroller in the house and not have a baby in it yet. Yesterday, we bought a crib, changing table and rocker with matching ottoman. I’m not usually one to cruise Craigslist, but for some reason I did and we scored!! We managed to purchase all 3 for a very reasonable price and things are coming together. We picked them up before bible study last night and when we got home, Brad wanted to put the crib together. He was so eager to put it together, that it barely made it through our front door before he was screwing things back together. Brad got it built again and asked me to help him navigate it to the 2nd bedroom. I was happy to help, except we got it down our hallway and discovered that it didn’t fit through the door frame. I had a pretty darn good laugh. So our crib is currently living in our living room till Brad has the patience to take it apart and then re-build it IN the 2nd bedroom. ☺
Hello Gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI've been so busy working on Noah's quilt that I forgot to read your blog! I'm so glad your Doctors have given you the "all clear"! One less thing to worry about. Brad's crib fiasco cracks me up ;-)
Alan almost did the same thing with the desk in the computer room :-)
So excited to have my airplane reservations made!
I love you XOXOX
am happy for u am officailly 8months too
ReplyDeletecan some one help me?i can sleep at nite any longer