So here are some highlights of month 7 and what happened.
*He loves peas, yogurt, and bananas.
*He responds to music being played.
*He rocks back and fourth in his highchair and moves across the room.
*He LOVES seeing his Granny Smith on my phone (FaceTime - we facetime with my mom almost every morning)
*His first tooth showed it's self for ONE day and then went away.
*He can get from laying down, to sitting up with ease. It's pretty cute because he gets up on his hands and feet and sticks his behind up in the air!
*He must be an Ireland because he travels really well.
*He loves bath time and doesn't mind water being poured over his head.
*He has tried pancakes and likes them.
*He is starting to show stranger anxiety.
*He can imitate you when you chew/champ AND clap your hands.
*He picks up the banana puffs really well and 9 times out of 10 it makes it into his mouth.
*He has mastered the army crawl.
*He has started to babble really well . . . he has lots of words.
*He loves to play peek a boo.
*He likes being tickled.
*He calms down when you tug on his ears.
It was a pretty big month for us.
We had some record lows in montana . . . like a high of -12!! BRRRRRR.
Owen and I traveled down to Cheyenne WY for my friend Nicole's baby shower. It was great to see her and I am so happy to have had the opportunity to see her while she was pregnant!! Once their little girl has arrived, I'll be sure to post a picture of her!! :-)
Enjoy all of the pictures!!

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