We also had Owen’s 6-month check up where he had more shots! It’s never easy to watch your child scream and kick like that, but he takes it like a champ and is over it 2 minutes later! He must get that from his dad because I am no good with needles! Owen also weighed in at 19.5 pounds! He is a big kiddo but I am sure now that he is moving around and far more active he will start to thin out! His doctor was pleased with his weight gain because the last few times he had been seen, he was in the 2nd and 4th percentile for his weight, meaning he was almost underweight!
We are back to cloth diapers for right now! I was having such a hard time with them that I took a little vacation and then realized our budget can’t support formula AND diapers that cost almost 40 dollars every two weeks! So my dear friend Riley has helped me problem solve and they are working better! I was able to get the stink out of them and we are snapping them just a little tighter on Owen and they work sooooo much better! Thank you Riley!
Another first Owen had this month was his first head cold! We aren’t sure who had it first and shared – Owen or Brad – but regardless, we passed it around and we all were sick! I’m not sure any child likes to get their nose suctioned out with the blue bulb thing, but the first few times I used it with Owen, he laughed! ☺ Then he quickly realized what was going on and his mood changed!
I might say this every month but his bottom tooth is almost popping through! I really think so this month though! Hopefully with his 8-month blog I will report great news!
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