How far along are you – 36 weeks!! Officially 9 months pregnant
Total weight gain – Too much! 20-25lbs. I hear from people “oh, its all baby . . . you’ll lose it real quick!” But it doesn’t change how scary the number on the scale is.
Maternity Clothes – all the time
Stretch Marks – They are still there, but now they really itch. ☹ It’s an itch that I just can’t scratch because it’s doesn’t satisfy.
Sleep – I actually slept pretty good this week. I am making an effort to sleep on my left side to help with the swelling of my left foot and the carpal tunnel in my hands. It might be a mind over matter sort of thing, but it seems to be helping a little.
Best moment this week – Working my last midnight shift at work. I no longer have to stay up till midnight and fall asleep around 1am. I can now come home at 8:30 and Brad and I can be in bed after the 10pm news. Also, there is another couple in Brad’s unit who are done having children, so they gave us some of their boy clothes that they didn’t want! An entire box full of shoes and coats and tons of 3-6 and 6-9 month tops and pants! Our little guy is going to be one good lookin’ fella!
Miss anything – Clothes that fit the way they are supposed to, wearing tennis shoes and the ease of getting up from chairs or couches.
Movement – He has been dancing around the last few days. He has been kicking so hard that it makes me move.
Food Cravings – Sweets. I made the big mistake of purchasing a big bag (Costco size) of peanut M&M’s a few weeks ago. . . they are almost gone.
Anything make you queasy or sick – Again, I have been pretty lucky to not be sick during this pregnancy.
Gender – Boy
Labor signs – The other night at work I had some sharp, shooting pains that didn’t last too long but still concerned me. I also had some minor cramping but that went away as well. I called my nurse the next morning and she said it was normal, as it was just my ligaments in my pelvis stretching, getting ready for his big entrance!
Symptoms – A big belly! ☺ Edema in my hands and feet, anxiousness, lack of energy and a sense of being overwhelmed.
Belly Button in or out – Out.
Wedding ring on or off – I put my wedding band on last week for our date we had, and I can’t seem to get it off. ☹
Happy or moody –Definitely moody yesterday, but I would like to think the rest of the week was half and half.
Looking forward to – Brad’s parents coming out on the 17th, then Tim and Kaley and Lucas are going to be here. After they leave, a short week or so after my mother arrives and then it’s baby time!! I also have my last two-week appointment on the 15th, and then I am scheduled to see my OB every week till baby boy is here!
Brad’s parents are coming to visit us for a few days this coming week and it’s always nice to see them. This will be the last time we get to spend time with them without a child to take care of. It’s sort of a strange thought because for 8 years now, it’s always been just Brad and Megan. Now we are going to have Brad and Megan and _ _ _ _. Soon after Don and Ferol leave, Tim and kaley and their bundle of joy will be out for the weekend. It will be so nice to see them, as they intended to come out for the baby shower but life got in the way and couldn’t make it. They leave on the 21st, and 8 days later, my mother flies out to Billings to spend 3 weeks with us and be here for the birth of her first grandchild. I am excited, anxious and scared all at the time to see what happens in the next month. My due date is less than a month away and I feel like we still have tons to finish. We need a dresser to put all of the clothes and blankets we have for him, we need more than one fitted sheet for our mini crib, I need to pack my hospital bag just in case he wants to make his debut early. Those are just a few of my worries. I am excited to meet this little guy that has been bruising my insides for weeks now. I’m eager to see what he looks like and what kind of personality he will have. As crazy as this sounds, I think I am ready for all of those late night feedings and learning how to be a parent. I can’t wait to see Brad’s face when we meet our son and have this life changing experience with him.
I’m anxious about all of the family coming out and people wanting to spend time with Brad and I. It’s going to be wonderful to have the support of friends and family. However, the control freak inside of me will want to entertain, cook, and clean the house while they are here. I will need to constantly remind myself that my priority is to take care of this new addition we have, as friends and family can fend for themselves! ☺
This is a new journey and I will learn so many things about myself, even Brad for that matter, over the next few months.
Meggy Mom!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your schedule has changed, so you can get more rest. I'm counting the days till I arrive and I hope your little guy doesn't arrive before I do! I'm sorry about your poor hands . . . but at least they'll feel better in about a month!
I love you mucho ! ! !