How far along are you – 35 weeks
Total weight gain – 25! Holy smokes!
Maternity Clothes – All the time
Stretch Marks – I’m coming to terms with them. On the bright side, they aren’t very dark and not all over.
Sleep – Comes and goes. I’m getting used to the fact that I am getting up every 2-3 hours! It’s my body getting me ready for late night feedings! ☺
Best moment this week – The date that Brad took me on last night. During the intermission our little man was moving around and Brad had another opportunity to feel him move around. It may have looked strange, but it’s those moments that I cherish.
Miss anything – Where do I start? How about with shoes that fit! This past week, my feet, especially my left foot, have become so incredibly swollen. I brought it up with my OB at my last appointment and she just told me that it looks good compared to other pregnant ladies with edema! So I am now focused on keeping my feet up for as long as I can and purchasing larger sandals.
Movement – Lots. Last night right after Brad and I crawled into bed, our little guy kicked me so hard I jolted.
Food Cravings – Still with the sweets! I can’t get enough of the ice cream and candy! I am making a conscious effort to cut back however.
Anything make you queasy or sick – I have been very fortunate through this pregnancy to not get sick. A few of my friends are pregnant and they have really struggled with the nausea!
Gender – Boy!
Labor signs – The Braxton hicks aren’t nearly as bad anymore, but I have noticed some tightening in my abdomen. I’m having more frequent pains in my hips and lower back.
Symptoms – bloated, tired and moody.
Belly Button in or out – No question about it, my belly button is all the way out.
Wedding ring on or off – I put on my wedding band last night to go on our date and I forgot to take it off again this morning. So that will have to wait till tomorrow. Otherwise, it’s just my engagement ring that I have on. It’s not as tight with just one band around my finger.
Happy or moody – Moody this week. Very moody.
Looking forward to – My next appointment on the 15th!
Brad and I had a pretty good week this week. I still have yet to get all of the nursery stuff put away in the right place, but it’s not going anywhere. It will still be there tomorrow! Brad surprised me the other day with tickets to the Jim Brickman concert in Billings. It was so wonderful to have a nice relaxing night with my husband because once little man gets here we won’t have those opportunities. We had a nice dinner at the Brew Pub downtown and then walked to the theatre for the concert. It started at 7:30 and got out around 9:45. Mr.Brickman played nice romantic sets but also talked a fair amount as well. He is kind of a comedian. ☺ Regardless, it was nice to spend the evening holding hands and listening to some great piano music.
In a few weeks, Don and Ferol ( Brad’s parents ) are coming out to visit and help Brad paint the nursery. It will be nice to spend time with them before we have a baby to take care of. Very soon after Don and Ferol leave, Brad’s middle brother, Tim, and his wife, Kaley, and their 6 month old, Lucas, will come out for a quick visit. My mom then comes out on the 29th of April to be here for the birth and to help us after our son is here. It will be nice to have her here to help around the house, especially before the birth since Brad will be working right up until the day we go into labor.
It’s going to be a crazy few weeks but it’s nice to know that both sides of the family want to support us and come meet this precious new addition.
I’m ready to meet him and hold him in my arms! I know that Brad will be an excellent father and I can’t wait to see Brad’s face when he holds his son for the first time. ☺ What a moment that will be!!
On a less emotional note, I have started crocheting a small blanket for the car seat. The past few months I have been obsessed with learning different crochet stitches and making things. I have learned the double crochet and liked it so much I started with the blanket. It’s a nice white, brown and light blue that will go nicely with the car seat.
Ooohhh, Megan . . . You're pregnant! That boy is ALL out front! I can't wait to see all 3 of you! I'm glad you enjoyed the Jim Brickman concert. Planting Mother's Day flowers in Nonnie's honor will be really nice . . .
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Love you