Brad and I would like to introduce our son, Owen Bradley Ireland. He arrived in our arms at 3pm on the dot on Wednesday April 17th, 2013. It was sort of a whirlwind of a day, as my water broke early Wednesday morning and Brad and I rushed to the hospital.
I had my 36.4 week appointment on Monday and my doctor checked me and told me I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced, on my way to labor but she didn't think it would happen any time soon. I went on with life, worked both Monday and Tuesday nights with no problems. Tuesday night's sleep was coming and going and I was up and down to the bathroom. Finally around 5am I had noticed that something was unusual about the shear amount of times I was going to the bathroom. I eventually woke Brad up around 6 and told him what was going on. I got up from being in bed and I felt like I pee'd my pants. Brad got in the shower and I paced in the bathroom while he showered. Then the contractions started coming. They were bareable at first but then they got more intense. We decided, after texting my sister in law kaley and my friend debbie, that it was time to pack a quick bag and drive into town to go to the hospital.
I had suggested to Brad before we left for the hospital, to grab the base and car seat just incase we have our 3rd family member join us today. He said, that he didn’t think we would be at the hospital for too long or he could always come back to the house and get it.
The ride to the hospital was the longest ride into town I’ve ever had. The contractions kept coming and I tried my best to breath through them. We made it to the family birth center, got checked in and went to triage to get all set up. It was then that I was checked again to see how dilated I was and much to our surprise, I was 7 cm dilated and they told us we were having a baby today!! Ready. Set. We are parents! My contractions kept coming and with even more intensity so I was eager to get an epidural as soon as I could. Brad shared with me later that it was a good thing I didn’t see how big the needle was because it would have really freaked me out. He also shared with me that watching me get the epidural was one of the hardest parts of Wednesday for him. It was difficult to work through the contractions and stay still so the anesthesiologist could properly stick me and not screw things up.
Once I had the epidural and it took effect, I was feeling much better and didn’t have to concentrate so much on breathing through the pain. We waited for a birth suite to be available for a few hours while we also waited for further dilation. Once we moved into the birth suite, we got settled and I got checked again and we discovered that I was 8cm dilated. Well on our way to meeting our son. About an hour later I was checked again and I was 9 1/2 but I needed to be 10 to start pushing. The doctor came in and said good job, you can start pushing and then the doctor left again. I pushed with our nurse, Mina, and Brad for about a half hour when the doctor came in again to check my progress. I pushed with the doctor for about 10 minutes and she thought that I might need a C-section. Owen’s head was turned in the birth canal and I was running a fever, which caused his blood pressure to drop significantly. At that point, the epidural was turned off so I could start feeling the contractions and push through them. I pushed him into the birth canal where he was facing towards my right, slightly stuck and the doctor didn’t think I could give birth naturally and when she said “If we don’t make any sort of progress and we can’t get him, you will need a C-section!” I made up my mind real quick that I wasn’t going to have a C-section so she got the vacuum out and we tried that several times. I pushed really good. We tried with two really good contractions to get him out with the vacuum and on the 3rd attempt, she pulled Owen out and he was stuck. At that point, I was awarded with an episiotomy to help get him out and one push later, we had a son!! Owen was born with a slight cone head because of the vacuum, which also caused some red blood cells to hemorrhage in the back of his head. This will come into play later in his already short life.
They cleaned Owen off a little and handed him to me to put on my chest. After a quick minute of looking at how perfect he is, Brad cut the cord and helped the staff clean him off. Owen was weighed and measured and he was a perfect 8 pounds, 6 ounces and 18 ½ inches long. The NICU staff was in the room as well because technically he was a premature birth. The next day I would have been considered full term at 37 weeks. We had the biggest premie ever!
Brad and I were ecstatic to tell family and friends that our son had entered the world and was perfect!
Over the next few hours Brad’s parents showed up, as they were still planning to come out and spend a few days with us before Owen decided to make his debut 3 weeks early. My mother was on her way and showed up late Wednesday night.
We didn’t get much sleep on Wednesday night between feedings and the night nurse coming to check on us. Brad got a few solid hours and I was only able to get maybe 45 minutes that night. Thursday morning was a whirlwind of visitors and doctors coming in. A newborn photographer came in and got some great shots of Owen. At 24 hours of age Owen went through a series of blood tests to make sure everything was okay with him. The results told us that his bilirubin levels were elevated and they thought that because he had to be suctioned out, that didn’t help the cause. Everyone has levels of Bilirubin, but newborns can’t properly break down the red blood cells and it often causes Jaundice. Thursday night, after 24 hours of life, Owen had to sleep under some ultraviolet lights to help get rid of his high bilirubin levels. Friday morning they took a blood test to see where his levels were and they were low enough for us to take him home!
We were able to spend one night at home and get a routine started. We had a follow up appointment the next morning to make sure his levels didn’t go up over night and to check his weight as well. We received bad news that afternoon that Owen’s levels had sky rocketed and we needed to get back to the family birth center so he could spend another night having phototherapy. So back to the hospital we went to spend the night under ultraviolet lights.
Owen spent his Saturday night under the lights and had a blood test in the morning to check his levels. We didn’t receive good news on Sunday morning, as his levels had only decreased from 17 to 14 and the doctors wanted his levels to be below 11 to go home. So we had earned ourselves another night in the hospital, and owen under the lights. I had a hard time dealing with this news, as I just wanted to take my baby boy home and start a good routine with him. We had no other choice so we just had to think positive and make sure he stayed under the lights. On top of having to lay under the lights, Owen had also lost a significant amount of weight since he was born on Wednesday. Owen’s birth weight was eight pounds, six ounces and at his appointment on Saturday he weighed seven pounds, two ounces. Every newborn loses weight, but he had lost too much for comfort. With that said, Sunday was spent dedicated to plumping up our little boy with breast milk and supplementing with formula, much to our dismay. We were discharged from the hospital a second time on Monday afternoon and were able to come home! Oh what a relief. We had a follow up appointment with our pediatrician on Wednesday to check his weight and his bilirubin level again, to make sure he didn’t rebound. Wednesday he had only gained an ounce, which is still a gain but we need him to gain more!
I think it will be a constant struggle, at least for the next few weeks, for Owen to gain weight and get a good handle on life!
In the mean time, we are enjoying our little boy, even through the sleepless nights and poopy diapers. Seeing him smile (or have a gas pain) has made it all worth it.
It’s hard to believe how much we love this little person . . . .
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
36 weeks . . . 9 months pregnant
How far along are you – 36 weeks!! Officially 9 months pregnant
Total weight gain – Too much! 20-25lbs. I hear from people “oh, its all baby . . . you’ll lose it real quick!” But it doesn’t change how scary the number on the scale is.
Maternity Clothes – all the time
Stretch Marks – They are still there, but now they really itch. ☹ It’s an itch that I just can’t scratch because it’s doesn’t satisfy.
Sleep – I actually slept pretty good this week. I am making an effort to sleep on my left side to help with the swelling of my left foot and the carpal tunnel in my hands. It might be a mind over matter sort of thing, but it seems to be helping a little.
Best moment this week – Working my last midnight shift at work. I no longer have to stay up till midnight and fall asleep around 1am. I can now come home at 8:30 and Brad and I can be in bed after the 10pm news. Also, there is another couple in Brad’s unit who are done having children, so they gave us some of their boy clothes that they didn’t want! An entire box full of shoes and coats and tons of 3-6 and 6-9 month tops and pants! Our little guy is going to be one good lookin’ fella!
Miss anything – Clothes that fit the way they are supposed to, wearing tennis shoes and the ease of getting up from chairs or couches.
Movement – He has been dancing around the last few days. He has been kicking so hard that it makes me move.
Food Cravings – Sweets. I made the big mistake of purchasing a big bag (Costco size) of peanut M&M’s a few weeks ago. . . they are almost gone.
Anything make you queasy or sick – Again, I have been pretty lucky to not be sick during this pregnancy.
Gender – Boy
Labor signs – The other night at work I had some sharp, shooting pains that didn’t last too long but still concerned me. I also had some minor cramping but that went away as well. I called my nurse the next morning and she said it was normal, as it was just my ligaments in my pelvis stretching, getting ready for his big entrance!
Symptoms – A big belly! ☺ Edema in my hands and feet, anxiousness, lack of energy and a sense of being overwhelmed.
Belly Button in or out – Out.
Wedding ring on or off – I put my wedding band on last week for our date we had, and I can’t seem to get it off. ☹
Happy or moody –Definitely moody yesterday, but I would like to think the rest of the week was half and half.
Looking forward to – Brad’s parents coming out on the 17th, then Tim and Kaley and Lucas are going to be here. After they leave, a short week or so after my mother arrives and then it’s baby time!! I also have my last two-week appointment on the 15th, and then I am scheduled to see my OB every week till baby boy is here!
Brad’s parents are coming to visit us for a few days this coming week and it’s always nice to see them. This will be the last time we get to spend time with them without a child to take care of. It’s sort of a strange thought because for 8 years now, it’s always been just Brad and Megan. Now we are going to have Brad and Megan and _ _ _ _. Soon after Don and Ferol leave, Tim and kaley and their bundle of joy will be out for the weekend. It will be so nice to see them, as they intended to come out for the baby shower but life got in the way and couldn’t make it. They leave on the 21st, and 8 days later, my mother flies out to Billings to spend 3 weeks with us and be here for the birth of her first grandchild. I am excited, anxious and scared all at the time to see what happens in the next month. My due date is less than a month away and I feel like we still have tons to finish. We need a dresser to put all of the clothes and blankets we have for him, we need more than one fitted sheet for our mini crib, I need to pack my hospital bag just in case he wants to make his debut early. Those are just a few of my worries. I am excited to meet this little guy that has been bruising my insides for weeks now. I’m eager to see what he looks like and what kind of personality he will have. As crazy as this sounds, I think I am ready for all of those late night feedings and learning how to be a parent. I can’t wait to see Brad’s face when we meet our son and have this life changing experience with him.
I’m anxious about all of the family coming out and people wanting to spend time with Brad and I. It’s going to be wonderful to have the support of friends and family. However, the control freak inside of me will want to entertain, cook, and clean the house while they are here. I will need to constantly remind myself that my priority is to take care of this new addition we have, as friends and family can fend for themselves! ☺
This is a new journey and I will learn so many things about myself, even Brad for that matter, over the next few months.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
35 weeks
How far along are you – 35 weeks
Total weight gain – 25! Holy smokes!
Maternity Clothes – All the time
Stretch Marks – I’m coming to terms with them. On the bright side, they aren’t very dark and not all over.
Sleep – Comes and goes. I’m getting used to the fact that I am getting up every 2-3 hours! It’s my body getting me ready for late night feedings! ☺
Best moment this week – The date that Brad took me on last night. During the intermission our little man was moving around and Brad had another opportunity to feel him move around. It may have looked strange, but it’s those moments that I cherish.
Miss anything – Where do I start? How about with shoes that fit! This past week, my feet, especially my left foot, have become so incredibly swollen. I brought it up with my OB at my last appointment and she just told me that it looks good compared to other pregnant ladies with edema! So I am now focused on keeping my feet up for as long as I can and purchasing larger sandals.
Movement – Lots. Last night right after Brad and I crawled into bed, our little guy kicked me so hard I jolted.
Food Cravings – Still with the sweets! I can’t get enough of the ice cream and candy! I am making a conscious effort to cut back however.
Anything make you queasy or sick – I have been very fortunate through this pregnancy to not get sick. A few of my friends are pregnant and they have really struggled with the nausea!
Gender – Boy!
Labor signs – The Braxton hicks aren’t nearly as bad anymore, but I have noticed some tightening in my abdomen. I’m having more frequent pains in my hips and lower back.
Symptoms – bloated, tired and moody.
Belly Button in or out – No question about it, my belly button is all the way out.
Wedding ring on or off – I put on my wedding band last night to go on our date and I forgot to take it off again this morning. So that will have to wait till tomorrow. Otherwise, it’s just my engagement ring that I have on. It’s not as tight with just one band around my finger.
Happy or moody – Moody this week. Very moody.
Looking forward to – My next appointment on the 15th!
Brad and I had a pretty good week this week. I still have yet to get all of the nursery stuff put away in the right place, but it’s not going anywhere. It will still be there tomorrow! Brad surprised me the other day with tickets to the Jim Brickman concert in Billings. It was so wonderful to have a nice relaxing night with my husband because once little man gets here we won’t have those opportunities. We had a nice dinner at the Brew Pub downtown and then walked to the theatre for the concert. It started at 7:30 and got out around 9:45. Mr.Brickman played nice romantic sets but also talked a fair amount as well. He is kind of a comedian. ☺ Regardless, it was nice to spend the evening holding hands and listening to some great piano music.
In a few weeks, Don and Ferol ( Brad’s parents ) are coming out to visit and help Brad paint the nursery. It will be nice to spend time with them before we have a baby to take care of. Very soon after Don and Ferol leave, Brad’s middle brother, Tim, and his wife, Kaley, and their 6 month old, Lucas, will come out for a quick visit. My mom then comes out on the 29th of April to be here for the birth and to help us after our son is here. It will be nice to have her here to help around the house, especially before the birth since Brad will be working right up until the day we go into labor.
It’s going to be a crazy few weeks but it’s nice to know that both sides of the family want to support us and come meet this precious new addition.
I’m ready to meet him and hold him in my arms! I know that Brad will be an excellent father and I can’t wait to see Brad’s face when he holds his son for the first time. ☺ What a moment that will be!!
On a less emotional note, I have started crocheting a small blanket for the car seat. The past few months I have been obsessed with learning different crochet stitches and making things. I have learned the double crochet and liked it so much I started with the blanket. It’s a nice white, brown and light blue that will go nicely with the car seat.
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