First and foremost, the Ireland family had to say "See you soon" to Granda Ireland. :-( Brad and Owen and I will be traveling down to Arizona this weekend to say our last farewells and visit with the entire Ireland Clan! It's always nice to see extended family, but you always wish it was under better circumstances. Yesterday, St.Patricks day would have been Grandma Ireland's 92nd birthday!! Happy Birthday Grandma Ireland! We miss you terribly!!
I have been incredibly homesick these past few months so Brad and I made the choice for me to travel back to Seattle for a little visit. We arrived on Tuesday evening and spent that night with Owen's Godparents, Ashley and Raul Diaz. It was so great seeing them. They were finally able to meet their Godson!!!!! Ashley and I spent a lazy Wednesday morning together and then I got the call about Grandma Ireland. This is when Brad and I got into fight or flight mode and made the choice to fly down to Arizona the next day to see Grandma! Brad flew into Seattle Thursday morning and we met him at the airport and flew down to Arizona as a family to see Grandma!! It was hard to see Grandma Ireland in that state, but she was still cognitive and acknowledged that everyone was there. Owen was able to hold her hand and babble to her. It was a quick visit down to Phoenix, as we left Saturday morning on our way back to Seattle. Saturday evening we had dinner with Ashley, Raul, their daughter Julianna and Brad's good friend Mitch at our very favorite restaurant - Buffalo Wild Wings!!! It was so wonderful to be able to spend time with our friends. This is what I've been craving and really missing. Close friends getting together for a meal.
Brad flew home that night and Owen and I stayed behind for the following week for a real visit. It was quick but nice to spend time with my parents and brother, visit my neighbor Judy and spend quality time with Ashley and Raul. Owen and I left Friday afternoon and arrived home early evening in Billings. It was a great visit, but nice to be home as well. A trip back to Seattle was exactly what I needed.
In the time that we were there, Owen had a few big moments!!
*He took a bath with Julianna and he went from cruising around on furniture to being brave and taking a few independent steps. It's hard on adults to be in different environments for a longer period of time, Owen did such a great job at adjusting to different homes, dogs and sleeping conditions.

Owen is now eating more table food than baby food, which is really wonderful. He likes to self-feed, eat noodles and pancakes and has lots of babbling words!! He has also mastered WALKING!!! He walks around now more than he crawls which led Brad and I to finally getting around to baby proofing the living room. This involved totally rearranging our living room, purchasing an area rug for softer landings and an ottoman instead of a hard coffee table. We have set up two baby gates so that he is confined to one area of the house and it's worked out perfectly! :-) We have a park that's a block down the street from our house and we took a walk down there the other afternoon. It was on the chilly side, but Owen seemed to enjoy the fresh air and new surroundings! He cracked a smile on the swing and crawled through a little tunnel. We couldn't stay much longer because it was too windy, but he walked all the way home, holding our hands.
Our little boy is growing up too fast!!
It was a wild couple of weeks! It was so nice to see my babies :-)
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