This month we have tried:
*Green beans
He is pushing himself up on his mat that we have for him and grabbing for more objects. He has mastered the art of rolling over, which makes diaper changing a challenge. Brad bought him some building blocks in the anticipation of playing with him soon. We also had Owen weighed and he has gained – he is 18.5 lbs!! Chucky little guy!
About a month ago we started having Owen take his naps in his crib and gradually work him into sleeping there over night as well. I thought it’d be harder than it was to not have him by my side, but it’s actually kinda nice. We put him to bed and Brad and I have some much needed mom and dad time.
This month my mom drove out to visit us for about a week. My parents have two new cars since they’ve retired so they had an ‘extra’ car around and gave it to Brad and I. This was quite the blessing, as my little Honda is on its last miles since my tire blew out. Who wouldn’t say yes to a free car?? It was so nice to have my mom out. She made Owen some bumpers for his crib, a grocery cart seat cover and is going to attempt to make some diapers for us. Fingers cross. Speaking of diapers, we aren’t doing cloth diapers anymore. They were great in hindsight, but I can’t seem to get the stink out of them and they leak – a lot. ☹
On a happier note, Brad got a job! It’s with a company called CED and he started working full time this past week. Horray!! I am still working at the optometrist office inside Costco and enjoying learning something new every day.
This next month will bring Owens first Halloween and two drill weekends. We aren’t going to do anything special for Halloween, as Owen won’t remember it and we don’t want to go out in the cold. On November 6th we will have lived in our house for a year! I can’t speak for Brad but I’m excited to have trick or treaters at our door this year! It’ll be fun to see the costumes and kids.

Hi Meggy Mom ! !
ReplyDeleteThat little boy is so darn cute! I miss him . . . and you. I had a fantastic time with you kids when I drove the Cruiser out. Dad and I are so glad that we could help you out with the car (even though I know you never really looovvved that car ;-) So proud of Brad! And you! Hope you are able to get home for the holidays . . . Have a fun Halloween ! !
Love you all :-)
(aka Granny Smith!)
Hi Megan! Cute cute cute! He has such a unique adorable face. I hope you guys are well. I miss you at church. Wish we had another home group so we could visit some more during those times. Oh and I hope you got some of that tea you like so much. Take care! Love you guys!