Thursday, January 24, 2013

25 weeks

How far along are you – 25 weeks
Total weight gain – 13 pounds. Some how our scale got switched from pounds to kilograms. I thought our scale was just dying, so I’ve been adding a 1 to whatever number showed up. So reallllllly, I’ve gained only 13 since November instead of 17-ish. ☺
Maternity Clothes – all the time
Stretch Marks – Nope
Sleep – Once I find a comfortable position, I can get to sleep but its getting difficult to move around in bed.
Best moment this week – Wednesday after my cardiology appointment our little man was making himself known in my tummy. LOTS of kicking and punching and twirling. I had lunch with a friend of mine that afternoon and she got a kick (literally) out of watching him move my stomach.
Miss anything – Tuna fish, coffee and a glass of wine with dinner.
Movement – TONS! Brad has been able to catch a few kicks and is eager for the next few weeks when they get stronger and more frequent.
Food Cravings – canned fruit. We have a lot of it at work and when there are extra’s, I cant seem to get enough of it.
Anything make you queasy or sick – I’ve been pretty darn fortunate to not have anything make me feel queasy, although when I walked into Wal-Mart this evening something didn’t smell good at all.
Gender – Boy all the way
Labor signs – Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming more frequent and I can tell when they are coming on.
Symptoms – My stuffy nose has subsided and my skin isn’t nearly as dry.
Belly Button in or out – Somehow it’s still in, but I imagine in the next few weeks it’ll pop right out.
Wedding ring on or off – on but feeling a little tight in the morning.
Happy or moody – I had a very moody week this week. Silly things were getting on my nerves and I had a hard time letting go.
Looking forward to – Next week for my 26 week appointment.

I had my cardiology appointment this week with the adult cardiologist and he gave me the stamp of approval. I am not considered a high-risk pregnancy anymore since everything with baby boy and myself has checked out. Our son’s heart looks fine with his four chambers and his blood is flowing just like it’s supposed to. My heart sounds fine as well. I have a heart murmur, but he said that is very typical and normal for pregnancies. I have an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) scheduled for march 12th to look at my heart just so we can cross out T’s and dot our I’s.
This last week I finished registering at a few stores around town and am getting anxious to make our trip out to Seattle for the baby shower. It’s going to be wonderful to see everyone and spend some quality time with close friends and family.
This week I wrote on our board that we have 14 weeks to go and that number is sort of scary. If you break it down, it’s something like 100 and some odd days. Ready. Set. We are parents. Brad and I have started doing a little bit of shopping, but I feel like we are running behind on getting things ready for our little guys arrival. We haven’t scheduled any sort of hospital tour; we don’t know what kind of stroller, glider or crib to purchase. Before we know it, April is going to be here and we won’t have anything ready and will have to scramble to get things done. I suppose that’s just how we run, but it’s nerve racking. Here is to hoping that we start to get things done in anticipation of our son’s arrival!


  1. Hi Sweetie!
    You look beautiful, as always! Don't fret about "not being ready", because everything will fall together. I'm excited to see you again in just a month and look forward to showering you (and my grandson) with fun stuff!!
    Love you!
    (aka, Granny Smith ;-)

  2. I remember those feelings. But just remember they don't need much. Especially all the stuff the store tries to sell you! Plus I've been meaning to call you and ask want you want from my pile....
    Love you Sis!
