We left for Seattle a few days after he got home and enjoyed just over two weeks with his family. It was great seeing the people who love Brad enjoy his company. We got to spend time with his two best friends, Croyle and Mitch. We spent lots of brotherly time with his oldest brother Greg and a few short but wonderful days with his middle brother Tim and his wife Kaley. On our way out of town, we spent a day or two with my folks and it was nice to just hang out. Getting to know Brad as my husband rather than just my boyfriend is different. So it was nice to have that time to chat.
When we got home, life started for us. We don't have an expiration date anymore. Before he left, we knew there was a date that he would be leaving, so we weren't living life the way we should have. We were dreading that day. So now that we don't have that, we get to be a normal married couple. It's hard learning to live with someone again. I am set in my way of living and he is set in his .. . then we have to learn how to meet in the middle. I suppose it's the trials of being a 'newlywed couple' . . learning everything over again.
My very good friend Nicole and her some Malachi were driving through Billings on there way from North Carolina to Seattle and stopped for a little visit. Nicole's husband, Peter, just left for Air Force bootcamp and this is hard for them being apart. I tried my hardest to comfort her and re-assure her that things will be alright. It's a fairly short time that he will be away, but any time away from your loved one isn't always easy. Peter will be gone for about 6 months, but then the real adventure will start for them. He will get assigned to a duty station and they'll start their military life! I'm so happy for them and know that they can get through it! :-)
I've been on the job hunt, but there aren't any takers yet. I was going apply to do some CNA training in October, but we need some sort of income sooner than that. So here is to hoping. I plan to do some seasonal work and then come January or February, when Brad is back in school, I'll do the training.
We've been hanging out with another married couple, the Wiser's. Zach and Ashley have the cutest little boy, Finnious and he absolutely adores me. You might remember me talking about Ashley and being close with her through most of her pregnancy. It's nice hanging out with another married couple who went through the same thing Brad and I did. Ashley and I got close during the deployment and we know what WE went through. Zach and Brad went through being over in Afghanistan together and know what each other went through. So it's nice to have those people that you have that commonality with who understand.
Yesterday, October 9th was the day that my grandfather, Wayne Smith, left us. I'm not really sure how to grieve this loss as I've never lost a grandparent till yesterday. I have my sad time where I just cry and Brad hugs me and comforts me. Then I have my time that I'm okay. This is going to be a roller-coaster of emotions this week. My grandma's church is putting on some sort of service for him later in the week, so Brad and I will be traveling to Reno to be with my extended family.
So within the past month, my husband has come home, we've driven to and from Seattle, my friend has come out to see us and my grandfather passed away. Life is always interesting for me . . . so stay tuned to see what's next!

Thank you for having Malachi and I. I know that is what I needed. To have you 2 to talk me threw everything and to hear your stories. Peter and I are thankful for you 2! We hope we can visit you guys sometime. Still wondering when we will find out where we will be stationed and where it will be. Then we can finally settle down like you guys. Its amazing the steps we take in life. Its amazing who stands by your side when you need it most. Its amazing how no matter how hard things are that someone has it worse and that God only gives us what we can handle. I love the books you let me borrow, thank you! And THank you for always being there for not just me but my family! And thank you to Brad for the stories of what it is like from there point of view. I wrote Peter everyday. and now I have to wait to send letters until he is at his tech school. You are right, its only 6 months and he is not in harms way. I just needed to hear that and you knew just what to say. You rock! just thought you should know. :)