So I am doing this bootcamp class, and after class one of my fellow bootcampers approached me and asked me what kind of surgery I had. It cracks me up to hear the different lines people come up to ask about my scar. Not only do you reallllly have to look because these days its not very noticable, but they want to be really nice about it. The most common one is "Did you have surgery?" or "I dont want to be rude, but what happened to your chest?" lol. Thank you for being proper and correct.
Anyway, this young woman asked me all sorts of questions about my heart and my defect and what was going on, what I was cleared for. It was kinda cool. So anyway, they are going to bring their stethascopes to bootcamp tmrw and listen to my heart. They wanted me to bring my story to camp tmrw so they read up about it.
She asked me a question I had never thought about. Yes, I am ok to HAVE children and it most likely wont be an issue or a very high risk pregnancy. Her question was that what is the likely-hood of my children having this defect that I had!? That never crossed my mind.
two weeks and two days till I leave for Ireland. Actually, not even that. I have 15 days till I leave for chicago. That same afternoon, I leave for Belfast. :-) Its going to be here before I know it. holy cow. I haven't seen my husband in close to 8 months. To see him for the first time, its going to be unreal. Sooo cool.
I'll be sure to blog before I leave. But then I'll be M.I.A for about 3 weeks.
What, they don't have computers in Ireland? You can't blog when you're hubby's around?