Friday night, I spent the evening with my two favorite Montana ladies, Cenzie and Debbie. We treated ourselves to mall massages . . . best 30 bucks I've spent in a long time. Then, this morning the FRG held a belly dancing class at the unit. Some other ladies and I learned how to shake it the right way. We made our phone calls after. Had a great lunch with Cenzie. THEN . . . this is where it gets great.
We checked the mailbox on our way home to see if a care package had come for us. My mom sends us care packages from time to time. this one has a bottle of wedding wine in it, a card from my parents and some other goodies. But the best part was what was left at the front door.
Beautiful flowers from my wonderful husband. It's too bad that he can't be here to celebrate one year of marriage with me, but its the thought that counts. I plan on going out to a nice dinner with some girlfriends tmrw night to celebrate and do it up right.
One year ago today, I was getting last minute details put together and eager for pictures and to get this show on the road. It was a long 4 years of dating Brad and it all boiled down to that one day. March 20th, 2010. Best day of my life so far. I am so happy that he is my husband. I dont think I could have found a better guy out there to support me in my choices and live my life with! He's so absolutely amazing and I am so thankful for him every day.
We also get to start counting down the days till Ireland. Since Brad is half a day ahead of us, he is on day 35 till he gets to leave. I dont leave Billings till the 26th, but that's alright. It's getting closer with every day though. Before we know it, it will be here and hopefully time will stand still for a few days. I can't even imagine what its going to be like to see his handsome face again after not being able to see him for 7 months. Skype just isn't the same. To be able to touch my husbands face will be a dream come true. To hold his hand and have his arms around me, it will be the best feeling ever!!
I saw this and it made me think of you.
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Oh Megan! I am so happy for you! The flowers are gorgeous! I am so glad your weekend went well. I was so worried for you! I didn't want you be sad on your Ann. I love you so much and I hope you are keeping your head up! Love Nicoleeeee :)