There isnt going to be any sort of organization when writing this time. perhaps things that just come to my mind.
Like living with another woman. Considering I never lived with anyone besides my parents or Brad....learning how to live with another girl is beyond difficult. We are both moody, work off of eachother emotions and then in the same breath are best friends. I'm sure there is a happy medium, its just finding it that is proving to be harder than I thought.
Alot of us women,and our men over sea's, are done with this deployment. Brad shared with me a while ago that this is the longest we have gone without seeing eachother. The longest we have ever been seperated. We are working on 6 months that the guys have been gone. We are past that hump of things going fast and 'holidays' passing to help time pass faster. Now all we have to do is wait around for leave dates and we'll be fine. Its the waiting that is going to slowly kill us. I looked at my ticker till Ireland...2 months and 4 days. So that's roughly 64 days. Holy cow how time flew by. We also have about 6 months till they are home. A few more days and we will reach 200!! :-) that makes me super happy.
Little Miss Ashley is about 6 months pregnant and showing every bit of it.
Debbie and I are throwing a shower for her at my new place on March 5th! I've never thrown a baby shower before, so it should be fun. Pictures to come of that I am sure.
The Ireland trip is becoming more a reality. My plane ticket is purchased and paid for. Thank you Don! We have an idea of where we will be staying and they are beyond nice so I'm pretty excited about that. Now only if I could get Brad to get excited about it, that'd be nice. I can understand why he wouldnt be excited about it, atleast right now. Once it gets closer I'll maybe expect a little more anticipation.
I have a great travleing oppurtunity through the army ( My FRG leadership role ) to travel to Kansas City and LA in the next two months. Kansas city is first the 2nd weekend in March. Then Debbie and I get to go to Los Angeles the first few days in April for a training as well. THEN at the end of April...I get the trip of a lifetime!
I've been missing Seattle more and more lately. I'm missing my friends. Not that I dont love the friends I've made here, but I can feel certain friends slip away faster these days. I feel like I put in the effort, and nothing is acknowledged. I am putting effort in and getting nothing back. I know that life goes on and friends move on, I am just having a harder time with it lately I suppose. Maybe its this darn deployment bringing me down, I'm ready to have Brad back in my life.
So that is it for now I suppose. I'll have to think about other things to write about.
Thank you for those that DO read this, atleast I know I am writing for someone to read and know whats going on in my life.
OH! update on Bradley. Aside from him not liking being over there, he got changed to night shift again without being notified. :( major bummer. He still works with the same guys, just at a different time of day. I still think about him every day and wish that he was home. In 6 short months though, it will be a reality!
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