Re-cap on November then.
We got lots of snow about 3 weeks ago. I was forced to then go and purchase new tires. When I walked in, they asked to see my tires. Once an employee came in, they were very surprised that I actually made it there alive and didn't slide off the road. My tires were THAT bald. So 4 new tires later, I am thankful for that purchase.
Later that week was thanksgiving! Instead of going home and having turkey day with my parents and brother, some army ladies and I went to a cabin in Nye Montana. Debbie works for the billings clinic and the doctor that she works for has this beautiful cabin there and his family let us borrow it for our holiday weekend. I'm not sure I've laughed that hard in a very long time. Lots of laughs, some tears, and lots of snow. I'm not sure what day it was, but we made snow soldiers one day.

My idea! :-) They are pretty darn cute if I don't say so myself. We ended up getting snowed in on Saturday. We had the best intention of leaving early Saturday morning so we could resume with our lives that night. Debbie had tickets to the Nutcracker here in town that she had to miss. We made it about a quarter of a mile to the road and got stuck at the first cattle guard. We had made friends with a local plowing guy who we dubbed "bern-dog" and asked him if he could come and help us get out. 4 hours later, he called back and said he was on his way. Turns out, HE got stuck trying to get US out.
Well, it wouldn't be a happy ending if it wasn't for a nice gentleman named Skylar. Skylar had a cute dog named wilson and was a very good lookin guy! Neither skylar or bern-dog could get us out, so skylar said that he would come back tomorrow and help us get out. Saturday night we were all at each others throats. We wanted to get home. We were sick of turkey. None of our cell phones worked and there was no Internet! Tell me, what DID we do before technology? Crazy huh!
So Sunday morning, skylar came over and by goly got us out. We were home by 4pm and all ready to have some alone time.
My friend Tracy who got engaged a few weeks ago will be Mrs.Hagan sooner than we thought because Chas ( her fiance ) is in the army. There is a huge chance that he'll get deployed here pretty soon at a moments notice, so they are speeding up the process. It's not the ideal situation to have a wedding that quick, but he wants her to be taken care of. They plan on getting married on December 23rd in New Jersey. The BIG white wedding will be in the spring of 2012! guess who is the maid of honor?! Yours truly! It was such a compliment to be asked to be a maid of honor. Tracy and I haven't known each other for very long, but think that we were meant to be friends. I know the ropes ( and am still learning ) of how to be a military wife of a solider who is deployed. I have some helpful hints for her and I can commiserate with her.
Update on Brad: He is fine. His schedule got changed AGAIN! He works the day shift now, from 9am to 7pm. So kind of like a regular job. Thing is though is that he just got used to his old schedule and they changed it again. Here is to hoping he stays with this schedule. The President made a surprise visit to the base Brad is at. They had to go and listen to him. Brad was less then thrilled to spend his time he would spend sleeping, listening to him, but now he can say he has been in the same room as the President! Pretty cool.
For the countdown, we stand at 314 days! Amazing how fast time goes by!
My dear friend Ashley who is pregnant is now 4 months along. I have had the privilege to spend lots of time with her through this and document it through pictures. I can only imagine how Zach feels with not being here through her pregnancy so I take pictures for him to see as well! She's getting big!! We get to find out the sex of the baby here in the next week or so. How exciting! :-)
The FRG had their Christmas party! It went really well. more people turned out to this one that the Halloween event! Pretty exciting!
It's finals week next week and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I feel like the semester just started or like I need more time with classes. Still, amazing how fast time goes by.
I am going to visit my parents back in Seattle for Christmas and new years! I'm soo excited to be somewhere that doesn't have 3 feet of snow. I guess I can't complain now because it's been melting, but that doesn't change the fact that the high today was 30! We are going to have a heat wave this week. Wednesday it's going to be darn near 50 degrees!! Woo whooooo!
Kelsey, whom I fondly refer to as Little sister, comes home from Italy this month as well. I'm so very excited to see her. I've missed her tremendously. We had a HUGE argument before she left for Italy and have since then sorted it out. Thank goodness. I'm not sure what I'd do without her. She is so important in my life. It's hard to give up a friend after 13 years! Love ya kels.
Pretty sure that's it for now. I'll try and be better with posting things more often! Should be easier since I'll be done with school here pretty soon!
Thanks for the update!