My husband. My best friend. My everything! :)

Specialist Ireland's beautiful wife! :)

Me and crazy mom

my quilt magic I blogged about earlier . . . this is the first one I did! :)

my burn

I had a great visit with my mom. I think we are both happy that she is home though. For her entire visit she slept on the couch because the twin bed or air mattress wasn't easy for her to get on and off of. So she was looking forward to sleeping in her own bed! :) The pictures are just a few of my favorites.
I had a temp job today moving cars from the Nissan dealership to the Sam's Club parking lot. I had a lot of fun actually and got to drive some pretty sweet cars. :) Met some pretty cool people. So hopefully they will need help again on Monday to do the same thing, only backwards.
This will be it for now. There is a massive storm right over my house right now. Kinda scary. :( power has gone out once so far, so I went around and lit some candles. I am going to wait for it to pass to go to bed. This could be a long night!
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