My parents were able to come out and visit for a few days and it was great to have them out here when it wasn’t uncomfortably warm outside. They stayed in a hotel while they were out here because our 3rd ‘bedroom’ isn’t properly insulated so it gets incredibly chilly down there. That bedroom was converted before we bought the house, from a one car garage to a fantastic wood paneled, very chilly 3rd bedroom.
While my parents were out here, Owen was spoiled by grandma and grandpa. We went Target and they bought him a new car seat, some new shoes, a few new toys and some swim shorts!! Owen was able to test out those swim shorts on the last night they were out here because their hotel had a swimming pool. Unfortunately, the pool was a little chilly so we didn’t stay in there for too long, but you better believe we got some cute pictures.
Owen had had some other big things happen this month. Are you ready for this?? Owen took his first steps!! The last few nights, Brad and I have been working with him and having him practice taking a few steps from me to brad and vice versa! It’s so cool to watch him learn and to see how excited he gets! When he gets real excited about whatever he is doing, he makes a panting noise that is accompanied with a large smile and giggles! He has also mastered the word “DaDa” which warms Brad’s heart.
We have been cooped up in the house for what seems like forever because of the nasty winter weather we have experienced. At one point a few weeks ago, we had 8 inches of snow in one day, on top of snow from a few days ago. On top of the snow, it was bitterly cold outside.
Brad and I were able to go on a valentines day date on Friday because my good friend Debbie offered to watch Owen. We ofcourse went to Buffalo Wild Wings to play trivia, have some hot wings and enjoy a beer! I am proud to report that I won most of the trivia games!!
Some other big things that have happened in this last month:
*Owen is now down to taking 2 naps in a day along with 3 bottles!
*If you build a tower of blocks for him, he gladly knocks it down for you.
*He eats more table food with us now and seems to really enjoy dinner time.
*He has made the transition from his infant car seat to his “big boy” car seat! (I know I mentioned it earlier)
* He acknowledges his name but has mastered the art of selective hearing awfully early!
*Owen Bradley is no longer out little boy, he is our little toddler!!
*He has sprouted two more teeth, which makes a grand total of 4 teeth!
While my parents were out here, Owen had his first haircut!!
Swimming Pool!!