Here are some other highlights of this last month:
* He rubs his eyes when he is tired.
* He grabs for objects, including my coffee cup!
* Owen loves his lamb/sheep thing we got some from friends who live in Ireland.
* Started solids - rice cereal, bananas, green beans and Avocado.
* Watched his first football game - Denver Won! woot woot!
* He went to his 2nd wedding in his 5 months of life. Congrats Jeff and Riley!
* He can roll over now!
As I mentioned in last months blog, we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our dear friends Ashley and Raul's little girl. Well, she arrived!! Julianna Rose Diaz!

Congrats Ashley and Raul! We are so excited to meet your beautiful little girl next month! Safe Travels to Washington.
We had a few firsts, besides starting the solid foods! I had my first night away from Owen. My friend Riley had her bachelorette party in Bozeman, which is a 2 hour drive west from Billings. It was nice to go out with some girlfriends and have a few drinks, but by the end of the night all I wanted to do was curl up with my babe and snuggle. It was harder than I thought it would be, but I did it!! :-) There were three other new mom's there as well, so I wasn't alone with feeling sad.
Brads mom Ferol is out to visit and watch Owen on Saturday because that's the day Brad's unit 'stands up'. He isn't being deployed, but his unit is becoming a true unit and will be recognized by the Army.
We have more exciting news too! My good friend Nicole and her husband are expecting their 2nd child due some time in february! Brad and I are so happy for them and can't wait to meet their little bundle of joy.

There isn't much else to report from this month. I am continuing to work for the optometrist inside Costco and am really enjoying the experience. It's a great office to work in and the doctor I work for is fantastic. Brad is still on the job hunt and we are eagerly awaiting to see what is in store for us.
This next month is going to bring us a few great things. My parents have purchased new vehicles, so they are giving us my mother's old car, her PT Cruiser. I know, you all are super jealous. This is coming at a great time because I'm sure my Honda is on it's last few miles since my trip in July where my tire blew out. The car hasn't been the same ever since, so a newer more reliable car is a a welcome change. Brad, Owen and I will also be traveling back to Seattle for our nephew Lucas's first birthday party. Lucas turned one yesterday, but we are having a family party the weekend of the 3rd, 4th and 5th at Brads parents house on the lake. It'll be great to spend some time with the family and for Tim, Kaley, and Lucas to meet their nephew/cousin for the first time!!! Lots of pictures to come next month!