Our precious little man is 3 weeks old today and it feels like we brought him home ( for good ) just a few days ago! On Monday, May 6th, he had yet another doctors appointment to check his weight gain and we have made GREAT progress! As of Monday, we are only 3 small ounces shy of his birth weight of 8lbs, 6oz! Thank goodness for that weight gain! I was getting a little worried that we would never put any meat on this kids bones, but we did it!
We also had a pretty cool first on Monday, as Owen rolled over during tummy time! He rolled over without fussing twice before I decided to film it and then of course he was fussy the third time. I’m not sure if a 3 week old is supposed to roll over, or even hold his head up, but he is doing both! What a smart little guy!
It’s been cool taking quick pictures of Brad and Owen having father son bonding. Dakota continues to keep a watchful eye out for her baby boy and keep him safe. We gave Owen his first ‘at home’ bath last night and Dakota was very concerned about her screaming baby to the point that she was shaking! It was pretty hilarious.
I’m starting to feel human again after the process of giving birth. I knew there would be recovery, but I didn’t know it would take nearly as long and be as uncomfortable as it was. It’s nice to feel human. Imagine that! ☺ I’m getting used to getting up every 3-4 hours to feed Owen, which takes a toll on being somewhat human through the day. Not really sure how I will get by once my mom leaves to go back home on the 13th. She has been waking up as I finish feeding Owen in the morning and watching him while I take my morning nap.
It’s been a pretty amazing 3 weeks. Our little boy is growing up so fast!