Thursday, November 29, 2012
17 weeks
How far along are you – 17 weeks
Total weight gain – 2 lbs
Maternity Clothes – more and more all the time
Stretch Marks – Nothing.
Sleep – I think I’ve been sleeping pretty good. Brad has caught me snoring a few nights in a row, which is new to me because I’m not normally a snorer. Ive been tossing and turning more and my hips are starting to bug me when I sleep on my side.
Best moment this week – I’m feeling more and more fluttering. I’m eagerly awaiting that first big movement.
Miss anything – Same as always, Tuna fish and a glass of wine.
Movement – fluttering.
Food Cravings – I craved cheese and crackers yesterday, but besides that, my appetite is pretty much back. I still have days where I’m just not hungry and nothing sounds good, but there are far and few between.
Anything make you queasy or sick – nothing.
Gender – I still think it’s a girl. We get to find out in January.
Labor signs – Nothing.
Symptoms – Nothing.
Belly Button in or out – Still in, but pretty stretched.
Wedding ring on or off – On for most of the day. I am starting to take them off at night because I wake up and my fingers are throbbing.
Happy or moody – Happy most of the time. I’ve been very emotional lately. I could probably cry at the drop of a hat!
Looking forward to – Our next appointment. We are getting established with my high risk doctor on Wednesday and then I see my regular OB on Thursday. I need to be comforted that baby’s heart and my heart are doing fine.
Christmas is coming up and I’m ready to get a tree to put in our living room. I’ve already decorated the house with all of my Christmas decorations but I’m waiting to bust out the Christmas tunes! After Christmas my mom is going to come out and be with Brad and I for maybe a week or so. She gets the wonderful honor of coming to our 22 week appointment to see the baby in full detail and when we find out the gender.
We are slowly getting the house put together and in better working order. Brads parents came out to visit for a few days and Brad and his father got a lot of projects done around the house. Ferol and I got the 2nd room cleaned out and now we have a clean canvas for ideas for the baby’s room.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
16 weeks and a happy Thanksgiving
How far along are you – 16 weeks
Total weight gain – still just a pound or two. Nothing significant.
Maternity Clothes – I am wearing my maternity jeans and yoga pants all the time. I tried on my old jeans and they aren’t comfortable what so ever.
Stretch Marks –Nothing.
Sleep – I’ve actually been sleeping pretty good these past few nights. Its kinda refreshing.
Best moment this week – getting to see our little avocado. My friend Debbie did a complimentary ultrasound in her office yesterday and I got to see our little one dance around in my uterus.
Miss anything – Tuna fish, half pots of coffee and a glass of wine.
Movement – I’ve been feeling more fluttering and bubbles lately, especially last night. I almost had Brad put his hand on my stomach to feel, but I think he would have made fun of me!
Food Cravings – Still fruit. Maybe a can of cranberry sauce from time to time. I have my appetite back now, so I’m eating pretty regularly.
Anything make you queasy or sick – nothing.
Gender – I think we are having a girl.
Labor signs – nothing.
Symptoms – I have been feeling some tight pressure right around my pelvic bone on my left side, but I’m pretty sure its my muscles stretching to accommodate a growing child.
Belly Button in or out – Still in but stretching to the limit.
Wedding ring on or off – On during the day, but I took my rings off last night because my hands have gotten super swollen.
Happy or moody –Pretty happy all the time.
Looking forward to – Our next appointment with my regular OB on the 5th and we get to meet my high-risk guy on the 6th to make sure my heart and baby’s heart is doing just fine.
We had a pretty darn good visit to Arizona this past weekend. I'd have to say that I got pretty spoiled by getting to sit in 80 degree weather in a nice chair next to a pool and work on my tan. I could get used to short weekends like that. :-) Brad and I arrived on Thursday night and spent some quality time with Brads brothers and Christine and Kaley. In fact, the first thing kaley did when I walked in the door is feel my belly and then want to do her very "Scientific" gender prediction test. It involved her hiding a screwdriver and some scissors under two couch cushions and depending on which one I sat on, I am having either a boy or a girl. I sat on the screwdriver, so evidently we are having a boy! lol. I laughed pretty hard.
Friday was spent sitting by the pool and hanging out and then Friday night we went to an old mining camp for dinner a show! Esther and Jadon really got a kick out of the band and instruments and the food was tasty! It was quite the experience for little ones.
Saturday was the Ireland Thanksgiving and everyone showed up. Grandma Ireland and Aunt Nancy (Don's sister), Grandma Barnett and Aunt Becky (Ferol's sister). It was wonderful because I had never met anyone on Ferol's side of the family. We had a great turkey and pie's galore, great conversation and some awesome pictures.
We left on Sunday early afternoon, but you better believe that I was by the pool working on my tan and enjoying the sun! Oh, I played some pool volleyball as well which was a lot of fun! It was sad to leave the family and the sun, but we had to come back to reality some time. All of my residents at work missed me and I missed them. We have been working on getting the house in living and working order and it's slowly coming together. Items are finding homes and whatever we don't use on a regular basis is either going up in the attic or in the garbage.
When Brad and I woke up this morning, the first words out of my mouth were “What are you thankful for hunny?” He responded with “I’m thankful for a happy healthy baby and wife. I’m thankful for a house over our heads and food in our tummy’s. I’m thankful for a great family and great friends who care about us.” He quickly responded back with “What are YOU thankful for Megan?” I told him that I was also thankful for our little avocado and the fact that ‘she’ is growing and is healthy. I’m thankful for a healthy body and mind. I am thankful for the friends that we have grown with and who care about us. I am very thankful for a great family, on both sides, who love both Brad and I unconditionally. I’m incredibly thankful that we have jobs and working vehicles. I suppose I am just thankful for everything in life. We have great friends, both near and far. Great families, great lives. We are just blessed.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Friday, November 16, 2012
15 weeks
How far along are you – 15 weeks
Total weight gain – maybe a pound or two, but nothing significant. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 164 even. Only a gain of 2 pounds.
Maternity Clothes – When I go out I wear my maternity jeans which are fitting better and better each day, but that’s about it.
Stretch Marks – Nothing.
Sleep – it comes and goes. I’ve been tossing and turning lately.
Best moment this week – becoming more and more pregnant each day. My belly is expanding and I’m starting to actually LOOK pregnant instead of just having too much to eat.
Miss anything – Tuna fish sandwiches.
Movement – Fluttering, but I’m still only half convinced it’s baby.
Food Cravings – fruit of all kinds.
Anything make you queasy or sick – I thought I was done feeling queasy, but I’ve had a day or two of not feeling so hot all day long.
Gender – I still think it’s a girl and Brad is holding firm with a boy.
Labor signs – nothing.
Symptoms – nothing.
Belly Button in or out – in
Wedding ring on or off – on
Happy or moody – I’ve noticed that I’m far more irritable these days. The smallest things frustrate me and then I’m in a grumpy mood!
Looking forward to – Spending a long weekend in Arizona with Brads side of the family for an early thanksgiving. We leave town Thursday afternoon and spend Friday, Saturday and a good part of Sunday with them and then fly home. It’ll be wonderful to see our newest nephew, Lucas, for the first time.
We made it to Arizona last night safely and enjoyed some time with Brad’s family before his parents went to bed. There is a nice hot tub and giant pool in the backyard, so Tim, Greg, Christine and Brad played volleyball while I put my legs in the hot tub.
It’s always harder to sleep in a new place, getting used to new sounds and stuff.
The first thing Kaley did when I walked in the door last night was feel my tummy and make the comment that it was nice and hard already! ☺
We are going to spend some time in the pool today and just hang out with the family! I’m sure that there will be lots of pictures to share later!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
14 weeks 3 days and Happy Veterans Day!
Brad and I have been super busy moving into OUR first home so taking a picture of my little belly was put on the back burner for a few days!! We were late with this picture and will be early for next weeks because we are going to be down in Arizona next Thursday!!
It's Veterans day today and I am thankful to have a husband who has served his country and done his civic duty. It was hard when he was gone, but I am thankful for our time together now. My father is also a veteran and I am thankful for his service! Thank you Ashley and Raul Diaz for also serving our country and being fantastic friends of ours! To all our vets out there, Thank you for putting your life on the line to make sure that this is a safe place to live!
Happy Veterans Day!
How far along are you – 14 weeks
Total weight gain – Depends on what scale I’m on. According to our scale at home, I’ve lost weight but the one at the doctors office said I’ve gained a few pounds.
Maternity Clothes – My maternity jeans and scrub bottoms are WONDERFUL! I can still wear lots of my tops, that is if I can find them among the mess that our house is in since we moved.
Stretch Marks – None
Sleep – It’s getting better and better every week. I’ve noticed that I am sleeping on my back more and more these days. My body pillow is also fantastic!!
Best moment this week – Hearing the baby’s heart beat again. Nice and strong at 158 bpm. ☺
Miss anything – Being able to have a tuna fish sandwich, drinking a half pot of coffee through my day and having a small glass of wine when I get home from work or with dinner.
Movement – I’ve felt some flutters, but nothing too exciting. My nurse said I’m still a little too early to feel anything significant, but flutters and bubbles aren’t indigestions these days. That’s BABY!!
Food Cravings – Fruit! My appetite is slowly coming back so we’ll see what comes of that.
Anything make you queasy or sick – Nothing. Although I’ve had a few days of being queasy through much of my day, its nothing too significant.
Gender – Brad think it’s a boy and I’m sticking with a girl! We will find out at our 22 week appointment in January.
Labor signs – Nothing
Belly Button in or out – In
Wedding ring on or off – On.
Happy or moody – Pretty happy most of the time but Brad hasn’t been scared to tell when I’m not being very nice or reasonable! He likes to use the word grumpy!
Looking forward to – Getting our house put together so we can start thinking about what we want to do with the baby’s room. It’s currently full of ‘stuff’ from our move.
Next week Brad and I leave for a long weekend in Arizona to spend with all of the Irelands. It’ll be nice to have all of us together for a holiday. Brad and I still have yet to meet our new nephew Lucas, so this will be pretty amazing. None of the Ireland family has actually seen my little baby bump, so I’m sure there will be lots of talk about babies this coming weekend.
Our move into our house went well. It was hard for me to sit on the side lines and not help move heavier boxes or any kind of furniture. I’ve been keeping busy trying to get my kitchen in working order and now that it’s done, I can move on to the other parts of the house! Once it’s all put together and things are in appropriate places, we will take pictures and share them! ☺
It's Veterans day today and I am thankful to have a husband who has served his country and done his civic duty. It was hard when he was gone, but I am thankful for our time together now. My father is also a veteran and I am thankful for his service! Thank you Ashley and Raul Diaz for also serving our country and being fantastic friends of ours! To all our vets out there, Thank you for putting your life on the line to make sure that this is a safe place to live!
Happy Veterans Day!
How far along are you – 14 weeks
Total weight gain – Depends on what scale I’m on. According to our scale at home, I’ve lost weight but the one at the doctors office said I’ve gained a few pounds.
Maternity Clothes – My maternity jeans and scrub bottoms are WONDERFUL! I can still wear lots of my tops, that is if I can find them among the mess that our house is in since we moved.
Stretch Marks – None
Sleep – It’s getting better and better every week. I’ve noticed that I am sleeping on my back more and more these days. My body pillow is also fantastic!!
Best moment this week – Hearing the baby’s heart beat again. Nice and strong at 158 bpm. ☺
Miss anything – Being able to have a tuna fish sandwich, drinking a half pot of coffee through my day and having a small glass of wine when I get home from work or with dinner.
Movement – I’ve felt some flutters, but nothing too exciting. My nurse said I’m still a little too early to feel anything significant, but flutters and bubbles aren’t indigestions these days. That’s BABY!!
Food Cravings – Fruit! My appetite is slowly coming back so we’ll see what comes of that.
Anything make you queasy or sick – Nothing. Although I’ve had a few days of being queasy through much of my day, its nothing too significant.
Gender – Brad think it’s a boy and I’m sticking with a girl! We will find out at our 22 week appointment in January.
Labor signs – Nothing
Belly Button in or out – In
Wedding ring on or off – On.
Happy or moody – Pretty happy most of the time but Brad hasn’t been scared to tell when I’m not being very nice or reasonable! He likes to use the word grumpy!
Looking forward to – Getting our house put together so we can start thinking about what we want to do with the baby’s room. It’s currently full of ‘stuff’ from our move.
Next week Brad and I leave for a long weekend in Arizona to spend with all of the Irelands. It’ll be nice to have all of us together for a holiday. Brad and I still have yet to meet our new nephew Lucas, so this will be pretty amazing. None of the Ireland family has actually seen my little baby bump, so I’m sure there will be lots of talk about babies this coming weekend.
Our move into our house went well. It was hard for me to sit on the side lines and not help move heavier boxes or any kind of furniture. I’ve been keeping busy trying to get my kitchen in working order and now that it’s done, I can move on to the other parts of the house! Once it’s all put together and things are in appropriate places, we will take pictures and share them! ☺
Saturday, November 10, 2012
14 week is coming
Hey all! I promise our 14 week post is coming . . . we have been super busy and haven't had the time take a picture!
Brad and I moved into our new home and have been busy up packing and cleaning the old apartment. It's quite the feeling to be living in your own home, where you can do what YOU want to do with the house and not have to worry about much.
Dakota is having a harder time adjusting to the new house and yard, so that's frustrating, but hopefully it'll get better.
We had to buy a refrigerator AND a washer and dryer for the house and they come today while Brad is at work. I am super stoked but never thought that I'd be excited for something like that. Hello Domestication! Hopefully the Lowe's delivery guys can make it through the snow that has been coming down since last night!
If Brad gets home before I have to leave for work, I'll have him take a quick snapshot of me and then we'll post our 14 week!!
Happy November!
Brad and I moved into our new home and have been busy up packing and cleaning the old apartment. It's quite the feeling to be living in your own home, where you can do what YOU want to do with the house and not have to worry about much.
Dakota is having a harder time adjusting to the new house and yard, so that's frustrating, but hopefully it'll get better.
We had to buy a refrigerator AND a washer and dryer for the house and they come today while Brad is at work. I am super stoked but never thought that I'd be excited for something like that. Hello Domestication! Hopefully the Lowe's delivery guys can make it through the snow that has been coming down since last night!
If Brad gets home before I have to leave for work, I'll have him take a quick snapshot of me and then we'll post our 14 week!!
Happy November!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
13 weeks and 2nd Trimester
How far along are you – 13 weeks and out of my first trimester. Bring on the 2nd!
Total weight gain – I may have gained a pound or two, but it depends on the day.
Maternity Clothes –Just bought some pants and a top today. Oh man do maternity jeans feel good! My mom also sent me a pair of maternity yoga pants that are pretty amazing.
Stretch Marks – Nope! ☺
Sleep – I’ve been noticing that I’ve felt better rested with a shorter night’s sleep with a nap needed every once and a while.
Best moment this week – Watching my tummy expand little by little.
Miss anything – being able to have a glass of wine
Movement – Nothing.
Food Cravings – This week I craved cranberry sauce and a maple bar and had it for lunch that day. Not so great eating, but I did much better the next day.
Anything make you queasy or sick – Almost all the way gone! HORRAY!
Gender – Brad thinks it’s a boy and I’m still undecided. We will find out right around Christmas time! Put in your thoughts as a comment on the blog and we will see who was right!
Labor signs – no
Symptoms – no
Belly Button in or out – in
Wedding ring on or off – on
Happy or moody – Pretty happy. I may have my moments. ;-)
Looking forward to – Watching my belly expand and being able to see movement.
Brad and I will be closing on our house hopefully (fingers crossed and an extra prayer said) this Tuesday so we will be able to start moving this coming weekend. It’s been a long time coming since we were originally supposed to have a closing date in early October. Things have come together so we are thankful for that.
We will be spending an early thanksgiving with The Ireland family in Arizona at Don and Ferol’s rental property, so we are pretty excited about that. Once we get back, we can unpack and get settled into our home and before we know it Christmas will be here.
I had a pretty awesome pregnancy moment tonight.
Brad and I got done watching our movie, Captain America, and I was hungry so I went into the kitchen. I bent over to look to see what was in the fridge and my sciatic nerve started reacting. So far it's only been in the morning when bending over to put on some yoga pants or sweats and it only lasts for a quick second. This time however, it lasted longer and was OH SO MUCH FUN! I was laughing and crying and brad came into the kitchen and said "Are you okay!?". After he figured out what was going on, he started laughing as well. The pain is based right in the middle of my left butt cheek and causes me to not have any control over my left leg. This pregnancy symptom is awesome! :-)
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