First I would like to say Congrats to one of my most favorite people in the world, Nicole Salmond. She and her husband get to celebrate their first wedding anniversary tomorrow! It's crazy how fast a year can fly by! Only hoping that this next year goes quickly for me as well. Congrats Peter and Nicole Salmond!
Secondly . . . my other favorite person in the world, Tracy Brown, got some pretty great news today as well. Her boyfriend Chas, asked her to spend the rest of her life with him thismorning! I got a phone call during an army meeting, but wondered, "why in the world would Tracy be calling at 10am!?" Promptly after I got a text message "HE PROPOSED!" I proceeded to run out of my meeting and call her so we could be super girly and get the juicy details! Chas is this amazing man and I could not ask for a better person for Tracy to spend her life with! Congrats you two! :-)
Third. My pregnant army wife, Ashley Wiser, is about 12 weeks along and is looking quite pregnant. I'm pretty sure it's due to her being a very petite lady anyway, but she's stinkin cute. Our friend Debbie ( the woman who makes everything better in my day ) works at the Billings clinic and offered to do a ultrasound for Ashley. So we went and did that today. This was my first time witnessing an ultrasound. I got emotional and cried with her. It is so amazing how the body works. I am so thankful that I got to share in that experience with her. She also let me take a few pictures of her. I get to share one on here. She's so stinkin cute!
The only thing that would make today better would be getting a phone call from my wonderful husband. I'm not sure however that so many great things can happen in one day! Maybe my day will be tomorrow! :-)
Congrats to all of you ladies today! I am so thankful for you ladies and that I get to be a part of these wonderful events in your lives! Life wouldn't be the same without you guys!