I was wrong the last time I blogged about the days left. As of today, Brad has been gone for 2 weeks. Its gone by fast and slow. The days go by fast because of school work, but the nights are long because of the lack of sleep. It's all a cycle that I soon hope to break.
Update on Brad:
he is back in new jersey and isn't very happy about it. He enjoyed Kentucky a lot more. :( So did I! He had better cell service but no interenet connection. It was nicer and he was generally happier.
Update on Megan:
:-) I've been taking Zumba classes at the YMCA and they are kicking my butt. If there has to be one big perk to Brad not being here, it's the free membership to the Y. I need to get back into shape sooner than later. We'll see what kind of progress I make.
I've been hanging out with Debbie a lot and am so very thankful for her. I have dubbed her my Montana Mom. She is a pretty awesome person to be around.
The seasons are chaning here in Billings and it's absolutly beautiful. It makes me wish I got to have my fall wedding, but I wouldn't have changed our wedding one bit. The leaves are beautiful colors. There are heaps of leaves on the ground. I can't say it FEELS like fall because its close to 90 today, but it sure looks like fall. Before I know it, it will be scarf weather and then snow on the ground. :-)
I guess that's it for now. Nothing new in my life in big sky country.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
one week down . . .
. . .only 388 days left. But who's counting anyway?
The week has gone by pretty fast actually. School has been a true blessing in disguise. Last Tuesday I was a wreck and didn't think I could get out of the funk. But I've accepted that I won't see Brad for 6 or 7 months. The beauty in that though is that we get a sweet reward at the end of those few months! IRELAND
I have to say, I'm doing very well in keeping myself busy. School is really kicking my butt. There is no hope for a job in the near future BECAUSE of school. But I'm alright with that. Close to every day now, I've come home from school, sat down at the kitchen table and spent 5 or 6 hrs doing either math or Biology. It's exhausting. I however am getting into the groove of working out again and boy does it feel good. I experienced my first Zumba class last night and it was intense. Those ladies can really shake it! It felt so awesome to get moving again, especially with dance inspired work outs.
I have some pretty amazing people in my life right now as well. Debbie Bailey is an awesome woman. I have dubbed her my Montana Mom! :) my mother away from home.
Tanya Steinbeck, Ashley Wiser, my very own madre, Nicole Broome...i mean salmond, Kyla Bauer's, Tracy Brown, they've all been so amazing. I couldn't ask for a better group of ladies to keep me company through this tough time.
Brad for the time being is in Kentucky for a few more days. Then back to Fort Dix, New Jersey till he actually deploys in the middle of October. That will be a hard day for me as well I think. It's when all of this becomes even more real. For right now, we still share a continent and similar time zones. But come October, that will all change. If we want to talk on the phone or skype, it has to be in the morning my time because it'll be night time for Brad and vice-versa. That's a whole new challenge.
We'll see how it goes. No sense in worrying about it now when it's 3ish weeks away. that's 21 more days off my countdown system! :)
The week has gone by pretty fast actually. School has been a true blessing in disguise. Last Tuesday I was a wreck and didn't think I could get out of the funk. But I've accepted that I won't see Brad for 6 or 7 months. The beauty in that though is that we get a sweet reward at the end of those few months! IRELAND
I have to say, I'm doing very well in keeping myself busy. School is really kicking my butt. There is no hope for a job in the near future BECAUSE of school. But I'm alright with that. Close to every day now, I've come home from school, sat down at the kitchen table and spent 5 or 6 hrs doing either math or Biology. It's exhausting. I however am getting into the groove of working out again and boy does it feel good. I experienced my first Zumba class last night and it was intense. Those ladies can really shake it! It felt so awesome to get moving again, especially with dance inspired work outs.
I have some pretty amazing people in my life right now as well. Debbie Bailey is an awesome woman. I have dubbed her my Montana Mom! :) my mother away from home.
Tanya Steinbeck, Ashley Wiser, my very own madre, Nicole Broome...i mean salmond, Kyla Bauer's, Tracy Brown, they've all been so amazing. I couldn't ask for a better group of ladies to keep me company through this tough time.
Brad for the time being is in Kentucky for a few more days. Then back to Fort Dix, New Jersey till he actually deploys in the middle of October. That will be a hard day for me as well I think. It's when all of this becomes even more real. For right now, we still share a continent and similar time zones. But come October, that will all change. If we want to talk on the phone or skype, it has to be in the morning my time because it'll be night time for Brad and vice-versa. That's a whole new challenge.
We'll see how it goes. No sense in worrying about it now when it's 3ish weeks away. that's 21 more days off my countdown system! :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
. . . and he is gone . . .
Afterwords, I had two of the other wives over for coffee and tissues. lol I got to know Ashley Wiser a little bit better. She is a newly-wed wife as well. Even more newly-wed than Brad and I. Ashley and her husband Zach got married in June. She is such a sweet person and I've enjoyed getting to know her! I am confident that my relationship with Brad got me ready for being married to him.
In the 5ish years that we were dating, he traveled quite a bit. He lived in Spokane, Kansas for a few months, was in Alaska for a summer, lived up north for a summer, lived down at his parents a few times. I have gotten used to having MY life, and my Megan and Brad life. He essentially got me ready for being an Army wife! Thanks Brad.
With that said, Ashley hasn't been through that, so I've been helping her out in any way I can. She came over for dinner and we had a great time chatting and getting to know each other a little bit better! It's nice to know someone who is going through a similar experience that you can talk to and vent to! Thank you Ashley.
As for Tuesday after the wives left, I didn't want to do much of anything. I felt like I was going to vomit all day, I was tired but didn't want to sleep. So my great friend Tracy came over after work and we went to dinner at a Mexican food place. For those of you who don't know . . . I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD! I could eat it all day, ever day. yum yum yum. I hadn't eaten anything else that day besides a hard boiled egg and some saltines. so it was much needed. It was so nice of Tracy to take care of me and make sure I was ok. She is a friend that I will be keeping around for a long long time to come.
I pleasantly surprised at the outpouring of people and their prayers for Brad and I to get through this. I know I am strong and confident and we WILL make it through this, it's just learning to adjust to life without him here. The house is quite. thank goodness I don't live in the house alone. It's comforting to hear Rachel and Juanica leave for school and work, Rachel coming home for lunch and when they come home at night. It gives me a sense of peace that I'm not alone.
School has been amazing for me. It's kept me busy and on my toes. It forces me to do something and get out of the house. I have given myself till Monday to be sad, eat whatever I want and do anything. Then Monday, I stop being sad ( although I WILL have my days of being sad ), start eating healthy and use my free membership at the YMCA! :) I have 6 months to get back into shape.
Many people have made sure I was ok, checked on me and told me that if I need them, to call them. well . . . I'll take every one of them up on their offer! :-)
My friend from church, Kyla, text me this afternoon saying that she got off work early and wanted to stop by and say hi. Turns out, she had bought me a dozen yellow roses. what a sweetheart! She made me cry. They are absolutely beautiful.
Nicole has also been amazing. We could talk for hours if we didn't have anything else to do. I love our relationship.
Life is hard because Brad is gone, but that doesn't mean that I need to be sad and mopey. Crying won't bring him back. Being sad wont bring him back sooner either. Giving myself things to do will bring him back sooner.
I will see Brad in 6ish months when we meet up for our 1 year anniversary in IRELAND! His 2 week leave is right around that time in march and it's less travel time for him to go there than come home. So why not take our honeymoon/1yr anniversary/2 week leave/bday bash in Ireland. I'll be pinching my pennies to make this work.
How exciting!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A big change is about to happen
The going away ceremony and family picnic came and went very quickly today. The FRG has been planning this event since the end of June and beginning of July. We were in charge of lots of details from donated food, to things for the children to do and where to have it.
Brad and I were privileged to see Don and Ferol one more time before Brad left and it was very nice to see them and have their support.

I was very pleasantly surprised to see the turn out from the families of soldiers at both events. Ferol teared up a few times at the ceremony and when she and I said our good-bye at the park. Brad took his parents to the airport so they could rent a car to drive home and she broke down a few times there as well. I don't blame her though.
I'm not sure what Tuesday morning hold for me. I think it's going to be harder than I think to say good-bye to this man that I love so darn much. It'll be hard to give him away and know but know that he will come back to me in one piece. He is going over with some truly amazing people that I know will keep him out of harms way.
It was said many times today that the families that get left behind have the hardest job because they have to maintain life on the home front. Where as the soldiers just have to report at the right time and wear the right uniform. Yes, they are away from home and don't have any power over what happens here, but I think being left behind is hard as well.
Brad has been amazing with making sure that I have all of the tools to get things done here, bank information, car insurance information and what not. It's not that I am incapable of doing it, but I think it gives him a piece of mind knowing that he is providing the information for me. One less thing for ME to worry about.
One of the soldiers pulled some strings with the Billings airport and families are now invited to see the 592nd off on their plane to New Jersey. I have to drop Brad off at the unit at 6 am Tuesday and see him again around 9 am at the airport.
This will be the last time for the next 6 or 7 months that I will get to hug him, kiss him, hold his hand and whisper in his ear. Kinda sad. Needless to say, I WILL NOT be going to school that day.
I have moments of jealousy of other wives that I know that get to see their husbands every night. Get to sleep next to them every night and live day to day lives with them. Then I start to think clearly and remember that WE signed up for the Army and knew what we were getting into. There was always the reality of being deployed, but now that it's a mere 1 day away, its too close. Where did our 6 week go? It seems like it was yesterday that I was picking him up from the unit coming home from new jersey.
On a more positive note I will be very busy with school and the FRG. There are a few perks ( if you will ) of Brad being deployed. I get a free gym membership at the YMCA, so I plan on taking advantage of that. I've fallen back on my eating well routine and it caught up with me! :(
I am having a Lia Sophia jewelry party on October 14th, my beautiful cousin Rachel gets married November 6th in Colorado, and I get to go home from Christmas to see my great family and friends. I also MIGHT get the chance of going to Seattle again in January courtesy of the Army for some training. That'd be pretty sweet.
A few months of slowing down and nothing planned then Brad and I plan to meet in Ireland for his 6 month leave, which is around our 1 year anniversary. The Irelands will be going to Ireland. :) Pretty freakin excited for that.
For now, I just have to take each day slow and know that this deployment will go fast.
Its been about a year now that Brad has lived over here.
A year since we drove him over here.
The day before Halloween will be 1 year since he proposed.
Where has this year gone?
It's gone by real quick . . . so lets hope this next year goes by at hyper speed.
I'm sure I'll be blogging more after he leaves. I'll be keeping my head up.
Thank you everyone for your on-going support of the both of us. It means the world to have wonderful people in our lives! :)
Brad and I were privileged to see Don and Ferol one more time before Brad left and it was very nice to see them and have their support.
I was very pleasantly surprised to see the turn out from the families of soldiers at both events. Ferol teared up a few times at the ceremony and when she and I said our good-bye at the park. Brad took his parents to the airport so they could rent a car to drive home and she broke down a few times there as well. I don't blame her though.
I'm not sure what Tuesday morning hold for me. I think it's going to be harder than I think to say good-bye to this man that I love so darn much. It'll be hard to give him away and know but know that he will come back to me in one piece. He is going over with some truly amazing people that I know will keep him out of harms way.
It was said many times today that the families that get left behind have the hardest job because they have to maintain life on the home front. Where as the soldiers just have to report at the right time and wear the right uniform. Yes, they are away from home and don't have any power over what happens here, but I think being left behind is hard as well.
Brad has been amazing with making sure that I have all of the tools to get things done here, bank information, car insurance information and what not. It's not that I am incapable of doing it, but I think it gives him a piece of mind knowing that he is providing the information for me. One less thing for ME to worry about.
One of the soldiers pulled some strings with the Billings airport and families are now invited to see the 592nd off on their plane to New Jersey. I have to drop Brad off at the unit at 6 am Tuesday and see him again around 9 am at the airport.
This will be the last time for the next 6 or 7 months that I will get to hug him, kiss him, hold his hand and whisper in his ear. Kinda sad. Needless to say, I WILL NOT be going to school that day.
I have moments of jealousy of other wives that I know that get to see their husbands every night. Get to sleep next to them every night and live day to day lives with them. Then I start to think clearly and remember that WE signed up for the Army and knew what we were getting into. There was always the reality of being deployed, but now that it's a mere 1 day away, its too close. Where did our 6 week go? It seems like it was yesterday that I was picking him up from the unit coming home from new jersey.
On a more positive note I will be very busy with school and the FRG. There are a few perks ( if you will ) of Brad being deployed. I get a free gym membership at the YMCA, so I plan on taking advantage of that. I've fallen back on my eating well routine and it caught up with me! :(
I am having a Lia Sophia jewelry party on October 14th, my beautiful cousin Rachel gets married November 6th in Colorado, and I get to go home from Christmas to see my great family and friends. I also MIGHT get the chance of going to Seattle again in January courtesy of the Army for some training. That'd be pretty sweet.
A few months of slowing down and nothing planned then Brad and I plan to meet in Ireland for his 6 month leave, which is around our 1 year anniversary. The Irelands will be going to Ireland. :) Pretty freakin excited for that.
For now, I just have to take each day slow and know that this deployment will go fast.
Its been about a year now that Brad has lived over here.
A year since we drove him over here.
The day before Halloween will be 1 year since he proposed.
Where has this year gone?
It's gone by real quick . . . so lets hope this next year goes by at hyper speed.
I'm sure I'll be blogging more after he leaves. I'll be keeping my head up.
Thank you everyone for your on-going support of the both of us. It means the world to have wonderful people in our lives! :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First day of big kid school
I attended my first day of big kid school today. Or as most people like say it is, MSU-B! :-) I am taking Biology, Political science, math and a health class every Wednesday night from 6-9! I really enjoy my biology teacher. My Political science professor is a little odd, but that might be because he had the stomach flu today and didn't feel 100%. My math teacher is my pastor from church, so I already know him. He's a pretty cool guy!
I only have health every Wednesday night and before I went I was dreading it. But tonight's class was pretty fun. We had good conversation. there are only 10 of us in there, so it should make for a pretty sweet semester.
I already have math homework. I did some when I got home from school this afternoon, but I still have some to over come. Not excited for that. Although, it's a pretty sweet schedule. MWF biology, political science. MTWTH math. W health. So that means tmrw I don't have to be at school till 11. Pretty nice.
So that's my update for now. School was sweet. I enjoyed getting off my butt and doing something. I hope this semester goes well . ..
here is to hoping.
I only have health every Wednesday night and before I went I was dreading it. But tonight's class was pretty fun. We had good conversation. there are only 10 of us in there, so it should make for a pretty sweet semester.
I already have math homework. I did some when I got home from school this afternoon, but I still have some to over come. Not excited for that. Although, it's a pretty sweet schedule. MWF biology, political science. MTWTH math. W health. So that means tmrw I don't have to be at school till 11. Pretty nice.
So that's my update for now. School was sweet. I enjoyed getting off my butt and doing something. I hope this semester goes well . ..
here is to hoping.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Ireland Family reunion
Our first night there, we had this wonderful view from the back porch. Greg had commented that a shepherd was being born there. It looked pretty biblical.
Ireland Men . . . all grown up.
Brad and I made it safely to and from Bozeman for the wonderful family reunion. It is the last time all 3 of the Ireland boys will be together for the next year, as Brad leaves in 12 days for his 400 day deployment. :( We had an amazing time though. Couldn't have asked for a better time spent with my new family.
We all got to know Kaley a little better, to spend time with the newest Ireland, Jadon Gregory,
The plan was that each night, one Ireland 'newly wed' was to make dinner. Greg and Christine made very tasty enchiladas and we had a mexican theme for the night.
Tim and Kaley did kabobs and was Hawaiian. They got Esther a little Hawaiian skirt to hula in to set the mood. Greg and Brad wanted to show her how to dance in it.
Brad and I were supposed to do BBQ chicken, or ribs or pizza, but we were having too much fun at Yellowstone and we had to postpone that. All well. More tasty bbq sauce for Brad and I! :-)
It's becoming the harsh reality now that Brad is indeed going to be leaving. We are starting to go through the banks and how to log into them. What bills to pay and when. What to do in certain situations if they come up. I know that I can take care of myself, but life is easier in general with someone else to make sure you are doing it right.
I know for certain I will be leaning on a few of my close friends for advice or just for ears to listen to me. I would like to think that I am prepared for the worst, but I'm not.
The first few weeks will be easier than I think, as Brad will only be in new jersey for a few weeks, then Kentucky. But after he leaves Kentucky, its real life and I'm not ready for it. I'm not emotionally ready for my husband to leave and to be in a combat zone. But we both knew that upon him joining the army, it would be a reality.
On kind of a cool note, the 592nd for a spot in the local Billings news tonight thanks to yours truly. :-)
Brad and I watched the 10 o'clock news last night and they mentioned the National Guard and the Air National Guard deploying to Irag and Afghanistan, but nothing about our little billings unit.
So i shot them an email, and not more than an hour went by and I got a response. They didn't know that they were leaving because I guess the hire-ups usually inform the media of deployments. They however told me that they would get a hold of the 592nd today to get the proper information and would get the story taken care of.
So Brad and I turned on the 5 o'clock news tonight and by golly, we were mentioned. :-) Props to the KULR-8 news team for taking care of this promptly.
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