Life at the moment is frustrating. Not all of life, but most of life is frustrating. I have this job, if that's what you could call it, at a preschool on the outside of Billings. When Brad and I moved over here after the wedding I was in a desperate search of a job. Brad suggested that I apply to this preschool, just to see what happens. I walked in with my resume and walked out with a job. Little did I know, I was hired to do cleaning. They had told me upon hiring that they wanted me to do lesson plans and fun after school activities with the children, so I was super stoked about that. This soon changed when I had been there a week or so and I learned that a lot of my time spent there would be cleaning. Mopping floors, sweeping floors, cleaning toilets, wiping down shelves, washing windows etc. Some of this comes with a child care job, such as wiping down chairs and tables and commonly used items. However, moping and vacuuming aren't a part of what I would call regular duties.
Things were good and then they had asked me for some forms. I didn't get them done on time ( totally my fault ) so I went into work one day and one of my bosses ( the one that I don't enjoy as much ) told me to turn around and take today to get it done. So I did. I got my papers done and I got my tetnis shot. I was told I couldn't return to work till these things were completed. I made sure to complete them by the next day so I could return to work. That was the deal. Nope. I called and she told me that since I didn't get these things done in time that I had the rest of the week off and I could return the next week for work.
You can only imagine my frustration with this. But it's what I get for not getting things done on time. I am accepting my punishment, it just sucks.
I come into work on Tuesday ( the day before was memorial day ) and this same boss that I don't enjoy working with said (in her "I'm pretending to be nice" voice) Ms.Megan, you were supposed to be here at 1 today! But I guess you didn't know that since you didn't work all week!" Could she have not picked up the phone to tell me my new schedule.
So that was a good week. sort of. I was now working 1-6 instead of 2-6 monday-Thursday. Sweet. an extra 4 hours. Down side is that instead of working Friday's 11:30-6 I now work 1:30-6. So I don't get an extra 4 hours. I only get an added 2. Lame.
At the end of this great week, next weeks schedule isn't posted yet so my friend Tracy and I decided that we will just go into work at our usual time. Tracy went in at 9 ( her usual time in the baby room ) and I text her to check when I work. She calls me and tells me I'm not on the schedule till thursday, and that's only if we need an extra person, and I'm off on Friday.
Now before all this happened, maybe a few weeks earlier, I had requested for more hours. I had been noticing that the new girl that got hired maybe a month after I did, is getting more hours. Her mother works at a local public school and I am thinking that this is why she is getting some special treatment. Who knows. I could be crazy and assuming things. But it's hard for me not to think this way at the moment.
While all of this has been happening I have been looking for new jobs. I have applied to Costco, another child care center Ahead Of The Curve and 2 banks. I also applied to starbucks, but no luck. I was really looking forward to a free pound of coffee each week. : ( There was a mom at work who works for this company called ADECCO and they are a temp agency. She had suggested that I set up a meeting with them to see if they can assist me finding a job. Nothing yet, but it's only been a little over a week.
I just really want something to work out. It'd be nice to not live from paycheck to paycheck, but this might be the tough start to married life. Everyone goes though it, and those who don't are very fortunate.
I am trying to keep my head up, but sometimes are harder than others. I am just so thankful for all of the women in my life right now. My housemate Rachel is amazing. We have grown closer since Brad has been gone for his two week training in California. Rachel and I have gone on walks and had dinners together. She is amazing. One good thing that will come out of me having this awful job is Tracy. She is also another woman I am soo thankful to have in my life. We share common interests of shopping, coffee, dancing, board games and movies. Not that anyone would replace Courtney, but she is my montana version of Courtney. Tracy is there for me and we have become so close. The last woman that is wonderful in my life is Kyla from church. She always greets me with a smile and a hug before church and it makes me feel soo good. It's amazing that such a small action can have such a huge impact on someone else. She is interested in my life and how it's going and only wants to help me succeed.
More to come about this job search and life in general . . .